UNIT # 3.3

Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Simple to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Once you have completed, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where necessary, in this and all exercises from 1 to 8.

Word Bank:
eat, close, sell, belong, live, make, lock, run

  1. We __________ delicious food at their house.

    • Answer: ate
  2. The mouse __________ under the cupboard.

    • Answer: ran
  3. The guard __________ and __________ the gate before going to bed.

    • Answer: locked, closed
  4. The house in which we __________ till last year __________ to my uncle.

    • Answer: lived, belonged
  5. The parrots __________ a lot of noise so we __________ them.

    • Answer: made, sold

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

Word Bank:
do, drive, shake, tell, fly, wash, fight, fall

(a) The papers __________ in all directions due to strong winds.

  • Answer: were flying

(b) The boys __________ over who would play first.

  • Answer: were fighting

(c) We __________ the tree and the ripe fruits __________ on the ground.

  • Answer: were shaking, were falling

(d) My sister __________ her homework while I __________ dishes.

  • Answer: was doing, was washing

(e) The driver __________ the car and my brother __________ him the directions.

  • Answer: was driving, was telling

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Simple or Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words provided in the brackets.

When Kakenya Ntaiya, from Kenya, was fourteen, she requested (request) her father to let her finish high school. She was dreaming (dream) high as she was making (make) good progress and was achieving (achieve) good grades. Her teachers knew (know) that she was (be) very intelligent and they were encouraging (encourage) her to go for higher education. She promised (promise) her father that he would be proud of her one day if he allowed (allow) her to continue her education. Very few Maasai girls to which she belonged (belonged) ever finished (finish) high school, but her father accepted (accept) her request.

Ntaiya kept (keep) her promise to her father. She began to work even harder and soon she won (win) a scholarship to go to the USA. The village where she lived (live) was small. However, the villagers were so proud of her that they all came (come) to see her off when she was leaving (leave). Ntaiya was crying (cry) as she was leaving (leave). It was (be) a touching scene. Everyone was waving (wave) their hands, and Ntaiya shouted (shout) that she would come back to serve the people in the village.

When she graduated, she worked (work) for a while at the UN and then got a doctorate degree. Then she returned (return) home and wanted (want) to set up a primary school in her old village. At first, some villagers refused (refuse) to give Ntaiya the land for the school, but many parents now realized (realise) how important a good education could be for their daughters. Till last year, the school was providing (provide) education to more than 150 girls. The girls at the school praised (praise) Ntaiya. They were working (work) hard to become teachers, doctors, or lawyers.

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Perfect to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

Word Bank:
sweep, leave, spend, die, travel, reach, cover, finish

(a) We __________ a lot of money on buying gifts, so we decided to stop.

  • Answer: had spent

(b) As soon as Samina __________ the yard, there was a storm.

  • Answer: had swept

(c) The group __________ several miles and __________ a big part of their journey.

  • Answer: had travelled, had covered

(d) The students __________ their work and __________ for home when the rain started.

  • Answer: had finished, had left

(e) She __________ before they __________ the hospital.

  • Answer: had died, had reached

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

Word Bank:
refuse, worry, cry, ring, fly, point, warn, dig, bark, read

  1. He __________ for help for five hours when the rescue team finally arrived.

    • Answer: had been crying
  2. I __________ for two hours before I fell asleep.

    • Answer: had been reading
  3. He __________ for 16 hours and everyone was very tired.

    • Answer: had been flying
  4. I __________ about my results the whole week.

    • Answer: had been worrying
  5. The labourers __________ and the painters __________ for several days before they were allowed to go home.

    • Answer: had been digging, had been painting
  6. The bell __________ and the dog __________ for nearly 20 minutes before someone opened the door.

    • Answer: had been ringing, had been barking
  7. The MET department __________ about a storm, but the people __________ to listen.

    • Answer: had been warning, had been refusing

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Use the correct form of the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words provided in the brackets.

Her toothache had been bothering (bother) her all night. She had taken (take) painkillers, but the pain had continued (continue). She had been seeing (see) a dentist for two weeks, who had said (say) that nothing could be done until the pain subsided. She had consulted (consult) her grandmother for natural remedies and had been trying (try) everything to combat the pain, but no results. Also, she had been searching (search) for remedies on the Internet for five days, but even that medium had failed (fail) to provide any solution. Not knowing what else to do, she had come (come) to the conclusion that she had done (do) all that she could, when her mother had thought (think) of a simple solution. She had agreed (agree) to try it. It had worked (work) wonders, and she had been sleeping (sleep) peacefully for the past five hours when we went to her house.


  • ‘a,’ ‘an,’ and ‘the’ are called articles.
  • Uses of ‘a’ and ‘an’:
    We use ‘a’ and ‘an’ with singular countable nouns.
    ہم 'a' اور 'an' واحد قابل شمار اسموں کے ساتھ استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

Usage of ‘a’:

We use ‘a’ with a word beginning with a consonant sound.
e.g., a book, a university, a young man, a table, etc.
ہم 'a' ایسے لفظ کے ساتھ استعمال کرتے ہیں جو consonant کی آواز سے شروع ہوتا ہو۔

Usage of ‘an’:

We use ‘an’ with a word beginning with a vowel sound.
e.g., an elephant, an hour, an heir, an orange, etc.
ہم 'an' ایسے لفظ کے ساتھ استعمال کرتے ہیں جو vowel کی آواز سے شروع ہوتا ہو۔

Use of ‘the’

‘the’ کا استعمال

  1. Unique things.
    e.g. the sun, the moon, the sky, the environment, etc.
    منفرد اشیاء سے پہلے

  2. Singular nouns representing the whole class.
    e.g. the rose, the computer, the teacher, the scientist, etc.
    واحد اسم جو پوری جماعت کا حوالہ دے رہے ہوں۔

  3. Superlative degrees of adjectives.
    e.g. the tallest, the coldest, the most interesting thing, etc.
    اسم صفت کی برتر ڈگری سے پہلے

  4. Before adjectives used as nouns.
    e.g. the rich, the poor, the disabled, the unemployed, the brace, etc.
    ایسے صفتوں سے پہلے جو بطور اسم استعمال ہوں۔
    Note: Only a few adjectives are used as nouns.
    صرف چند صفات بطور اسم استعمال ہوتی ہیں۔

  5. Before names of newspapers, magazines.
    e.g. the Newsweek, the Time, etc.
    اخبارات اور رسائل کے ناموں سے پہلے

  6. Before ordinals.
    e.g. the first, the next, the last, the third, etc.
    عدد ترتیبی سے پہلے

  7. Before Holy Books.
    e.g. the Quran, the Bible, the Ramayana, etc.
    مقدس کتابوں سے پہلے

  8. Before the nouns which are in context.
    e.g. the window, the kitchen, the door, the TV, etc.
    ان اسموں سے پہلے جو سابقہ جملے سے متعلق ہوں۔

  9. When a thing is mentioned the second time.
    e.g. I collided with a tree. The tree was in the center of the road.
    I met a boy yesterday. The boy could speak many languages fluently.
    جب کسی کا دوبارہ ذکر کرو۔

Omission of ‘the’

'the' کا حذف

  1. Before proper nouns

    • پرپر ناموں سے پہلے
  2. Before abstract nouns

    • غیر مادی اسموں سے پہلے
  3. Before material nouns

    • مادی اسموں سے پہلے
  4. Before names of meals

    • کھانے کے ناموں سے پہلے
  5. Before names of languages

    • زبانوں کے ناموں سے پہلے
  6. Before names of relations

    • رشتے داروں کے ناموں سے پہلے
  7. Before names of games

    • کھیلوں کے ناموں سے پہلے
  8. Before names of diseases

    • بیماریوں کے ناموں سے پہلے
  9. Before names of colours

    • رنگوں کے ناموں سے پہلے
  10. Before fixed phrases
    e.g. by bus, by air, catch fire, in trouble, in debt, at home, on duty, on time, etc.

  • مخصوص فقرات میں


  • ‘A’ and ‘An’ are indefinite articles and are used to indicate a single item.
    Take a pencil. (Take one pencil.)
    I won a hundred dollars. (I won one hundred dollars.)

  • Do not use ‘a’ or ‘an’ with a plural noun.
    They talked about a good restaurant to visit.
    They talked about the good Italian restaurant on Main Street.

  • Use ‘a’ as an unspecific reference before a consonant sound.
    He likes to read a book. (He likes to read any book, not a specific one.)
    That was a funny story. (That was one of many funny stories.)

  • Use ‘a’ when the word following it starts with a consonant sound.
    a book, a hospital, a leg, a one-inch pipe, a youth

  • Use ‘an’ as an unspecific reference before a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).
    an apple, an opera, an eagle, an idea, an SOS (the ‘s’ here is pronounced as a vowel sound)

Words that begin with U or H

Words that begin with U or H can have either a vowel or a consonant sound. Make the choice based on the sound of the first word after the article, even if that word is not the noun.


  • a union, a uniform
    (use "a" when the u sounds like the y in "you")
  • an unbelievable event, an umbrella, a unique umbrella
  • an honor, an hour, an honest person
  • a hotel, a history book, a historian
  • an historian, an historic event
    (NOTE: words like "historic" can take either 'a' or 'an')


  • Use 'the' as a specific reference to a common noun or something that is one of a kind.

    • Give me the book on the table. (Identifies a specific book)
    • The sun rose at seven o’clock. (Identifies something that is one of a kind)
  • Use 'a' or 'an' to introduce a noun the first time it is mentioned, and then 'the' is used afterwards whenever the noun is mentioned again.

    • I bought a sandwich for lunch.
    • I shared the sandwich with my friend.
  • A proper noun names unique people, places, or things and does not use an article.

    • "I went to New York City."
  • An exception is proper nouns with "of" as part of the name:

    • the Fourth of July
    • the University of Virginia
    • the United States of America
    • the President of Mexico
    • the Statue of Liberty
  • Plural proper nouns use the:

    • the Chicago Bulls
    • the Johnsons
    • the Blue Ridge Mountains
  • A proper common noun that names a group (a collective noun) also uses the:

    • the Commonwealth of Virginia
    • the United Arab Emirates
    • the Society of Friends
  • Some geographical features use the:

    • the Gobi Desert
    • the Atlantic Ocean
    • the Pyramids
    • the Amazon
  • Other geographical features do not use the:

    • Lake Superior
    • Albemarle County
    • Route 29
    • Mount Vesuvius

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work individually and fill the following blanks with a / an, where necessary. Put a cross (x) in the blanks where an article is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

  1. ________ giraffe has ________ long neck.
  • Answer: (A, a)
  1. ________ Australian sheep gives us ________ good wool.
  • Answer: (An, x)
  1. He is ________ honest man but his friend is ________ crook.
  • Answer: (an, a)
  1. To help the students, ________ example has been given in the exercise.
  • Answer: (an)
  1. Would you like to have ________ cup of tea or ________ something to eat?
  • Answer: (a, x)
  1. ________ factory is being built next to our house.
  • Answer: (A)
  1. Boil ________ eggs and make ________ sandwiches for breakfast.
  • Answer: (x, x)
  1. It was ________ honour to be nominated.
  • Answer: (an)
  1. I want to buy ________ uniform when school reopens in August.
  • Answer: (a)
  1. One old friend is staying at ________ hotel on the River Indus.
  • Answer: (a)

Text Book Exercise 8

Q. Work individually and fill the following blanks with the article ‘the’ where necessary. Put a cross (x) in the blanks where ‘the’ is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

  1. ________ English language is ________ most spoken language in the world.
  • Answer: (The, the)
  1. There are ________ beautiful flowers in ________ park.
  • Answer: (x, the)
  1. My sister lives in ________ USA.
  • Answer: (the)
  1. There is ________ dirt on this plate and there is a dirty mark on ________ tablecloth.
  • Answer: (x, the)
  1. ________ lions are dangerous animals, but ________ dogs are good friends of people.
  • Answer: (The, the)
  1. When you drive a car in ________ UAE, you must keep to ________ right.
  • Answer: (the, the)
  1. ________ inventor of the telephone was ________ Graham Bell.
  • Answer: (The, x)
  1. ________ directions to ________ central library are clear.
  • Answer: (The, the)
  1. ________ butcher opposite ________ library sells good meat.
  • Answer: (The, the)
  1. One of ________ persons I love ________ most is my mother.
  • Answer: (the, the)

Text Book Exercise 9

Q. Work individually and fill the following blanks with article 'a / an / the’ where necessary. Put a cross (X) in the blanks where an article is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

Who has not heard of the famous Khyber Pass in Pakistan? It is a narrow mountain valley in X Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. We can go to the Khyber Pass from Peshawar. Many people who want to go to X Afghanistan cross the border from the Khyber Pass.

The Khyber Pass has been famous in history for thousands of years. The Aryans crossed it to reach the sub-continent about four thousand years ago. After them came X Mongols and X Tartars.

Moreover, Khyber Pass is an ancient trade route. It is a route that has been used extensively by X caravans carrying bales of cotton and silk. Occasionally, a caravan would also carry a ton or two of spices. Although it is an old route, the trade is still carried out through this route but now X buses, trucks, and trains carry goods from one country to another.

King Bruce and the Spider – Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Read the poem silently and answer the following questions.

01. Was the king happy or unhappy?
Ans: The king was unhappy because after the English repeatedly defeated his armies, the famed King of Scots was forced into hiding.

02. What attracted his attention as he was thinking?
Ans: As he was thinking, a spider attracted his attention by attempting to reach its web. The spider tried and failed over and over.

03. What lesson did he learn from what he saw?
Ans: The spider wanted to reach its destination, so it kept trying. The King learned from it that hope should never be dashed, and a man should keep up his struggle till he succeeds.

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Column A has words from the poem, underline words in the poem. Column B has the meanings of these words, but they are jumbled up. Work in pairs and try and find the correct meaning of each word and write the answer in the Answer column. The first one has been done as an example.

S NoColumn AAnswerColumn B
1flungc(a) fall with arms and legs spread out
2monarchm(b) challenged
3deedh(c) threw
4despairk(d) climbed

Text Book Exercise 2 (Continued)

S.NoColumn AAnswerColumn B
5ponderedn(e) fall suddenly
6divinei(f) walk carefully
7endeavourl(g) work hard continuously
8sprawla(h) an action
9treadf(i) work out an answer
10mountedd(j) prepared to do something difficult
11toilg(k) hopelessness
12tumblee(l) attempt
13defiedb(m) king
14bracedj(n) thought

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Read the poem and find out which of the following statements are correct and which are not. For correct statements put a tick (✔) for true, and for incorrect ones put a cross (✘) for false. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

(a) The poem is about a war.✔ True
(b) King Bruce cared for his people.✔ True
(c) He was in a happy mood.✘ False
(d) When he saw the spider, he decided to kill it.✘ False
(e) The spider stayed on the ground when it slipped down.✘ False
(f) After trying for some time, the spider felt weak.✘ False
(g) As soon as it felt better, it went up again.✔ True
(h) It made more than twenty attempts.✘ False
(i) It moved up very slowly when it was near its home.✘ False
(j) It did not succeed in reaching its home.✘ False
(k) The king decided to follow the spider’s example and try again.✔ True

02. Before he saw the spider, what did he decide to do?
Before he saw the spider, he decided to give up his efforts.

03. Why did King Bruce think that the spider would not be able to reach its home?
King Bruce thought that the spider would not be able to reach its home because the spider tried to go home many times but failed. The spider would fall down again and again. Bruce thought the spider was tired and could no longer get home.

04. Did the spider climb at the same speed all the time or at a different speed?
No, the spider’s speed was not the same all the time. Each time she made a new attempt, her speed changed.

05. How did the spider finally reach its home?
The spider kept rising inch by inch. At the last moment, she ran bravely and went home.

06. Why did the king decide to try again?
While lying in the cave, the king saw a spider on the wall climbing to its home. The spider climbed a little but fell down. The spider made nine attempts, but each time it failed. As he was thinking, the king saw the spider making another attempt. This time the spider was successful in reaching its home. This successful attempt of the spider gave a ray of hope to the king. Therefore, he decided to try again.

Verbs, Tenses and Sentences - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th


Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Simple to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember that a verb used with the third person always takes 's' or 'es' in Present Simple.

Word Bank:
build, remember, play, dress, forget, listen, study, get


  1. Birds usually __________ their nests in the summer.

    • Answer: build
  2. I always __________ carefully to parent’s advice.

    • Answer: listen
  3. He __________ up late and __________ quickly for school.

    • Answer: gets, dresses
  4. We __________ in the afternoon and __________ in the evening.

    • Answer: play, study
  5. My friend __________ name but __________ numbers.

    • Answer: remembers, forgets                                                                                                   

      Text Book Exercise 2

      Q. Use the correct form of the Present Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember that in the Continuous form, ‘ing’ is added to the verb and am/is/are is used before the verb.

      Word Bank:
      write, sing, rain, make, explain, swim, enjoy, learn


      1. Look! It __________ so hard.

        • Answer: is raining
      2. We __________ English these days.

        • Answer: are learning
      3. The birds __________ and the farmers __________ their songs.

        • Answer: are singing, are enjoying
      4. The teacher __________, and the students __________.

        • Answer: is explaining, are writing
      5. Some children __________ in the pond, and some __________ clay toys.

        • Answer: are swimming, are making

      Text Book Exercise 3

      Q. Use the correct form of the Present Simple and Present Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

      Word Bank:
      come, sleep, behave, speak, clean, drink, understand, wash, travel, watch


      (a) We __________ to Gilgit tomorrow.

      • Answer: are travelling

      (b) My sister __________ nicely with everyone.

      • Answer: behaves

      (c) His brother __________ tea three times a day.

      • Answer: drinks

      (d) Our uncle __________ to our house this weekend.

      • Answer: is coming

      (e) She __________ and __________ Persian very well.

      • Answer: understands, speaks

      (f) I __________ my room every day, and I also __________ my clothes sometimes.

      • Answer: clean, wash

      (g) My mother usually __________ television at this time, but today she __________.

      • Answer: watches, is sleeping                                                                                         

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Work in pairs and fill the blanks in the following paragraph by using the correct Present Simple and Present Continuous form of the words given below. You can use one word only once. After you have completed, discuss with another pair and compare your answers.

Word Bank:
dress, see, move, set, plan, go, take, enjoy, begin, agree, gather, wait, come, give, shout, know, hire, inform, ask, jump, sit, look, get, reach, tell


The school holidays are beginning tomorrow. The children are sitting together and are planning what to do. They agree to go to the village fair on Saturday. On Saturday morning, they all get up early, dress quickly, and gather outside. They inform their mother that they are going to the village fair with their father. As soon as father comes outside, they all shout with joy. The father knows that his children are looking forward to the trip. He hires a carriage and takes them to the fair. As soon as they reach there, the children jump from the carriage. They move from one stall to another. Their father gives them some money and tells them to enjoy themselves. After some time, although the father sees that the children are enjoying a lot, he asks everyone to gather as the sun is setting and their mother is waiting for them to get home.

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember to use 'has' with the third person singular.

Word Bank:
eat, throw, help, go, read, make, apply, complain, climb, complete


(a) I __________ this book twice already.

  • Answer: have read

(b) We __________ all the mangoes.

  • Answer: have eaten

(c) My brother __________ for a job.

  • Answer: has applied

(d) They will win this match as they __________ ninety runs already.

  • Answer: have made

(e) Seema __________ her work as Beena __________ her throughout.

  • Answer: has completed, has helped

(f) We __________ so many times but they __________ the garbage here again.

  • Answer: have complained, have thrown

(g) Tariq’s little sister __________ up the tree, now he __________ up to get her.

  • Answer: has climbed, has gone 

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

Word Bank:
jump, watch, rain, cook, drive, work, plan, talk, chase, sit


  1. We __________ since twelve noon.

    • Answer: have been driving
  2. It __________ for three hours continuously.

    • Answer: has been raining
  3. They __________ for an hour.

    • Answer: have been talking
  4. I __________ all morning.

    • Answer: have been working
  5. She __________ food for us without a break while we __________ this match.

    • Answer: has been cooking, have been watching
  6. My grandmother __________ outside and my father __________ vegetables.

    • Answer: has been sitting, has been planting
  7. The dog __________ the cat and the cat __________ all around.

    • Answer: has been chasing, has been jumping

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work in pairs and fill the blanks in the following paragraph by using the correct Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous forms of the words given below. You can use one word only once. After you have completed, discuss with another pair, and compare your answers.

Word Bank:
start, cook, wait, do, work, help, announce, made, study, pray, manage, complete, struggle, go


Our principal has announced the date for the exams finally; we have been waiting for this announcement since last week. My friend and I have been working since last week as we want to get good marks. We have been studying about six hours every day. We have started revising English and have completed Urdu today. We have been going to Faisal’s house to learn Mathematics from his brother. He has been helping us, and we have managed to complete more than half of the course. However, since the last semester, we have been doing history and try to read more, and I think we have made some progress. My mother has been praying for us every day. I have been doing my best, and my friend’s mother has been cooking delicious food for us to keep up our spirits. Now, we have to perform well.

Text Book Exercise 8

Simple and Compound Sentences

A simple sentence usually has a single verb. It has a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

  • Jamil plays tennis every Saturday.

A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a linking word.

  • Jamil plays tennis every Saturday, but this Saturday he is playing golf.

Linking Words (FANBOYS):


There are other linking words also, e.g., because, as, etc.

Text Book Exercise 9

Q. Look at the following sentences. Write 'S' if it is a simple sentence and 'C' if it is a compound sentence, in the answer column. An example has been done for you.

01You have been sleeping since morning.S
02I don’t know the answer.S
03I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolates daily.C
04Atif is famous, but he is very humble.C
05You may eat a mango or have mango pickle.C
06He is totally dependent on his parents.S
07He was feeling sick, so he went to the doctor.C
08No one is traveling these days.S
09I go to the library, for I love reading.C
10He is rich and he has a good heart.C

Text Book Exercise 10

Q. After identifying the simple and compound sentences in the above exercise, convert the compound sentences into two simple sentences by removing the linking words. Sentence 3 in the above exercise has been done as an example. Compare your answers with your partner.


  • Sentence 3: I want to lose weight. I eat chocolates daily.
  • Sentence 4: Atif is famous. He is very humble.
  • Sentence 5: You may eat a mango. You may have mango pickle.
  • Sentence 7: He was feeling sick. He went to the doctor.
  • Sentence 9: I go to the library. I love reading.
  • Sentence 10: He is rich. He has a good heart.

Text Book Exercise 11

Q. Work in pairs and make five simple sentences and five compound sentences, using the linking words given earlier in FANBOYS.

S.NoSimple SentencesCompound Sentences
01Waris waited for the train.I like coffee, and Abid likes tea.
02The train was late.Rashid ran fast, but he could not catch Sohail.
03Ahmed and Sameer took the bus.Sajid never wrote the letter, nor did he call him.
04Tahir is writing a letter.He felt cold, for it was snowing.
05I am buying a new pair of shoes.Waris waited for the train, but the train was late.

This exercise practices creating simple and compound sentences. Simple sentences contain a single subject and verb, while compound sentences join two independent clauses using coordinating conjunctions from FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So).

Dignity of Work – Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise 1

Q. What do you think is the central idea of the text? From the options given below, tick the correct answer.

  • (a) one should be ashamed of doing work
  • (b) one should be worried when asked to do work
  • (c) one should have respect for all people who work ✔️



ENGLISH 10TH – Solved Book Exercise


UNIT # 1.3

Text Book Exercise 1

Rewrite the following sentences by correcting the errors of capitalization.

  1. (a) the mausoleum of shah abdul lateef bhitai is in sindh.
    Ans: The Mausoleum of Shah Abdul Lateef Bhitai is in Sindh.

  2. (b) sameer and ali went to quetta last july.
    Ans: Sameer and Ali went to Quetta last July.

  3. (c) the river indus flows from gilgit baltistan to the arabian sea.
    Ans: The River Indus flows from Gilgit Baltistan to the Arabian Sea.

  4. (d) the liaquat national hospital is on the stadium road in karachi.
    Ans: The Liaquat National Hospital is on the Stadium Road in Karachi.

  5. (e) “are zahra and samina coming today?” asked mrs afzal.
    Ans: "Are Zahra and Samina coming today?" asked Mrs. Afzal.

  6. (f) the highest peak, mount everest, is in the himalayan ranges, in nepal.
    Ans: The highest peak, Mount Everest, is in the Himalayan Ranges, in Nepal.

  7. (g) we are planning to go to islamabad in march to see the faisal mosque.
    Ans: We are planning to go to Islamabad in March to see the Faisal Mosque.

  8. (h) he said, “my uncle’s name is asif shaikh and he lives in london.”
    Ans: He said, “My uncle’s name is Asif Shaikh and he lives in London.”

Text Book Exercise 2

Insert commas, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks in appropriate places.

  1. Original: The helping group needs clothes food water blankets and shoes for the flood victims.
    Corrected: The helping group needs clothes, food, water, blankets, and shoes for the flood victims.

  2. Original: Hurrah Pakistan has won the world cup We must meet celebrate enjoy and have fun.
    Corrected: Hurrah! Pakistan has won the World Cup. We must meet, celebrate, enjoy, and have fun.

  3. Original: Nevertheless some people are talking some are resting some are reading and some are having fun.
    Corrected: Nevertheless, some people are talking, some are resting, some are reading, and some are having fun.

  4. Original: “Have you finished your homework” his mother asked.
    Corrected: “Have you finished your homework?” his mother asked.

  5. Original: Alas the old man is dead He suffered a lot.
    Corrected: Alas! The old man is dead. He suffered a lot.

  6. Original: The teacher said “Where is your bag” I don’t know said Sabah “I just kept it here.”
    Corrected: The teacher said, “Where is your bag?” “I don’t know,” said Sabah, “I just kept it here.”

  7. Original: Moreover I have seen his picture in magazines on television and in movies.
    Corrected: Moreover, I have seen his picture in magazines, on television, and in movies.

  8. Original: Chuck chuck chuck The train began moving out of the station therefore the people started running.
    Corrected: Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! The train began moving out of the station, therefore the people started running.

    1. Original: Wow This is a pleasant surprise Why did not you tell me you were coming
      Corrected: Wow! This is a pleasant surprise! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

    2. Original: “Your book has been lying on this table for ten days” said mrjawad “when will you read it”
      Corrected: “Your book has been lying on this table for ten days,” said Mr. Jawad. “When will you read it?”

    Text Book Exercise 3

    Insert apostrophes and quotation marks where needed. Write the corrected sentences in your notebook. After you have completed, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.

    (a) Original: This book isn’t mine, said Abdul Karim. I dont know who put it here.
    Corrected: “This book isn’t mine,” said Abdul Karim. “I don’t know who put it here.”

    (b) Original: Can we go to the seaside, father? the children asked. Its such a lovely day.
    Corrected: “Can we go to the seaside, father?” the children asked. “It’s such a lovely day.”

    (c) Original: The girls father said, i will take you to school today. Its still early and well reach in time.
    Corrected: The girl’s father said, “I’ll take you to school today. It’s still early and we’ll reach in time.”

    (d) Original: Mother said, Wholl help me clean the house? I cant said Laila Ive got to write an essay.
    Corrected: Mother said, “Who’ll help me clean the house?” “I can’t,” said Laila. “I’ve got to write an essay.”

    (e) Original: Ive seen this movie before. Whats its name? said Fakhir. I dont know, replied Asad.
    Corrected: “I’ve seen this movie before. What’s its name?” said Fakhir. “I don’t know,” replied Asad.

    (f) Original: Sabiha, said Rana, are not we going to Hyderabad today? No, said Sabiha, I m not feeling well.
    Corrected: “Sabiha,” said Rana, “aren’t we going to Hyderabad today?” “No,” said Sabiha, “I’m not feeling well.”                                                                                                                         (g)

    Original: This is Najmas house, said Nabila. Iye been here before. However, the gates colour has been changed.
    Corrected: "This is Najma’s house," said Nabila. "I’ve been here before. However, the gate’s colour has been changed."

    Original: Hurry up, lets go, children, said grandfather. Put on your shoes. Were already late. I don’t want to miss the bus.
    Corrected: "Hurry up, let’s go, children," said grandfather. "Put on your shoes. We’re already late. I don’t want to miss the bus."

    Text Book Exercise 4

    Put in the punctuation marks, including capitalization, and write the following passage in your notebooks. When you have done that, discuss your work with your partner and make any corrections needed.

    Original Text:
    one day rashid said to his friends you know what i read in the newspaper is that the house near our school is haunted
    ghosts said sajid i don’t believe in ghosts
    sara however said i believe in ghosts and I m sure that all of you believe ghosts really if you don’t believe in them i challenge you to spend the night in that house
    what you must be joking said javed
    no im not said sara im serious prove it to me that you don’t believe in ghosts by staying there tonight or else ill tell everyone that you are cowards
    all right said rashid ill do it wholl come with me i can depend on you asad cant i will you come javed can i rely on you coming with me
    ghufran tahir asad and javed all agreed to go they decided to meet at eight o clock javed said ive got to complete my homework before i go please wait for me if im late i dont want to go alone
    surprise surprise said rashid when they met outside the house at 8 o clock look whos here
    theres no one else here said javed what do you mean
    i mean shahid didnt you just see him go in
    i didnt see anyone tahir ghufran javed and asad replied together
    do you think we should go in said javed

    Corrected Text:

    "One day, Rashid said to his friends, 'You know, what I read in the newspaper is that the house near our school is haunted.'
    'Ghosts!' said Sajid. 'I don’t believe in ghosts.'
    Sara, however, said, 'I believe in ghosts and I’m sure that all of you believe in ghosts. Really, if you don’t believe in them, I challenge you to spend the night in that house.'
    'What! You must be joking,' said Javed.
    'No, I’m not,' said Sara. 'I’m serious: Prove it to me that you don’t believe in ghosts by staying there tonight or else I’ll tell everyone that you are cowards.'
    'All right!' said Rashid. 'I’ll do it. Who’ll come with me? I can depend on you, Asad. Can’t I? Will you come, Javed? Can I rely on you coming with me?'
    Ghufran, Tahir, Asad, and Javed all agreed to go. They decided to meet at eight o’clock.
    Javed said, 'I’ve got to complete my homework before I go. Please wait for me if I’m late. I don’t want to go alone.'
    'Surprise, surprise!' said Rashid when they met outside the house at 8 o’clock. 'Look who’s here!'
    'There’s no one else here,' said Javed. 'What do you mean?'
    'I mean Shahid. Didn’t you just see him go in?'
    'I didn’t see anyone,' Tahir, Ghufran, Javed, and Asad replied together.
    'Do you think we should go in?' said Javed."                                                                                    

    One day, Rashid said to his friends, “You know, what I read in the newspaper is that the yellow house near our school is haunted.”
    “Ghosts!” said Sajid, “I don’t believe in ghosts.”
    Sara, however, said, “I believe in ghosts and I’m sure that all of you believe in ghosts. Really, if you don’t believe in them, I challenge you to spend the night in that house.”
    “What! You must be joking,” said Javed.
    “No, I’m not,” said Sara. “I’m serious: Prove it to me that you don’t believe in ghosts by staying there tonight or else I’ll tell everyone that you are cowards.”
    “All right!” said Rashid, “I’ll do it. Who’ll come with me? I can depend on you, Asad. Can’t I? Will you come, Javed? Can I rely on you coming with me?”
    Ghufran, Tahir, Asad, and Javed all agreed to go. They decided to meet at eight o’clock.
    Javed said, “I’ve got to complete my homework before I go. Please wait for me if I’m late. I don’t want to go alone.”
    “Surprise, surprise!” said Rashid when they met outside the house at 8 o’clock. “Look who’s here!”
    “There’s no one else here,” said Javed. “What do you mean?”
    “I mean... Shahid, didn’t you just see him go in?”
    “I didn’t see anyone,” Tahir, Ghufran, Javed, and Asad replied together.
    “Do you think we should go in?” said Javed.

    Prefixes and Suffixes (Explanation):

    Root Word:
    The most basic part of a word.

    It is placed before the root word. Adding it to the beginning of a word changes it into another word and meaning.

    It is placed after the root word. Adding it to the ending of a word changes it into another word and meaning.                                                                                                                                       

    Text Book Exercise 5

    Q. Work in pairs and form words given in the tables by adding common prefixes and suffixes, respectively. Examples have been done in both tables.

    Add Prefixes (dis, im, un, pre, mis, ab, non, in, ir, mis, il):

    Base WordWith PrefixBase WordWith Prefix

    Add Suffixes (ish, al, ful, en, ness, ment, able, hood, ive, ion):

    Note: In most words ending on "e", the ending "e" is dropped before adding the suffix, as shown in the word "survive" in the table below:

    Base WordWith Suffix

    Text Book Exercise 6

    Q: Add prefixes or suffixes to the words given in the brackets and fill in the blanks. Write the complete sentences in your notebook. Next, compare your answers with your partner.

    1. My father was feeling - due to severe pain.

    2. His seat on the train was very.

    3. Mr. Moeen is very and is often absent from his office.

    4. His behavior bothered everyone.

    5. There is a lot in our country.

    6. We must show to everyone, especially the old and the weak.

    7. All survived in the horrible accident, but the driver was killed.

    8. of the sunlight in the mirror disturbed me when I was driving.

    9. from the national hockey team was for me.
      (reject, bearable)Rejection, unbearable

    10. The given by the team member was .
      (inform, official)information, unofficial                                                                        

      Text Book Exercise 7: Prefixes and Suffixes

      Task: Add a prefix and a suffix to the same root word, and use each word in a sentence.

      Example Solutions:

      1. Root word: "pay"

        • Prefix + Root: prepay – "I had to prepay to get my mobile credit."
        • Root Word Alone: pay – "They receive their pay on the last day of the month."
        • Root + Suffix: payment – "My father has made the payment for this motorbike."
      2. Root word: "happy"

        • Prefix + Root: unhappy – "My uncle looks unhappy about this matter."
        • Root Word Alone: happy – "I am happy because we are going on vacation."
        • Root + Suffix: happiness – "Happiness comes from within."
      3. Root word: "agree"

        • Prefix + Root: disagree – "I disagree with Jawad about leaving the school."
        • Root Word Alone: agree – "Do you agree with me?"
        • Root + Suffix: agreement – "Both political parties haven’t announced their agreement yet."
      4. Root word: "order"

        • Prefix + Root: disorder – "I have not expected this kind of disorder."
        • Root Word Alone: order – "Put these things in order."
        • Root + Suffix: orderly – "The crowd dispersed in an orderly manner."
      5. Root word: "use"

        • Prefix + Root: misuse – "Most people are misusing this law."
        • Root Word Alone: use – "You can use these things if you want to."
        • Root + Suffix: useful – "Be useful to society."
      6. Root word: "respect"

        • Prefix + Root: disrespect – "Mr. Zahoor is so proud that he shows disrespect for the poor."
        • Root Word Alone: respect – "Respect your elders."
        • Root + Suffix: respectful – "The students greet the teachers in a respectful manner."                                               



ENGLISH 10TH – Text Book Exercise

UNIT # 1.1

Text Book Exercise 1

Read the story and answer the following questions in your notebook.

(a) How many main characters are there in the story?
Ans: There are four main characters in the story.

(b) Who are they?
Ans: The main characters of the story “The Wise Caliph” are:
(i) The Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid
(ii) The Qazi
(iii) The rich man
(iv) The beggar

(c) Who got the horse?
Ans: The rich man got the horse because the horse belonged to him.

(d) Was the person who wrongly claimed the horse punished?
Ans: No. He was not punished because he was pardoned by both the caliph and the rich man.

Text Book Exercise 2

Read the text again and underline the following words:

  • disguise
  • concerned
  • welfare
  • mingle
  • rags
  • dispute
  • resolve
  • certain
  • claims
  • motioned
  • dismount
  • puzzled
  • winced
  • neighed
  • pronounced

Meanings of the words:

  1. Disguise: To change appearance.
  2. Claims: States something as true.
  3. Welfare: General well-being.
  4. Mingle: To mix with people.
  5. Rags: Old, torn clothes.
  6. Dispute: Disagreement about something.
  7. Resolve: To find a solution.
  8. Certain: To know for sure.
  9. Concerned: Worried about.
  10. Motioned: Signaled.
  11. Dismount: To get off something.
  12. Puzzled: Unable to understand.
  13. Winced: Showed dislike.
  14. Neighed: Sound made by a horse.
  15. Pronounced: Officially said.

Text Book Exercise 3

The following statements are incorrect. Read the text and write the correct statements:

  1. Incorrect: The case was first brought to the Caliph by the two men.
    Correct: The case was first brought to the Caliph by the Qazi.

  2. Incorrect: The Qazi said that the case was easy so he could not solve it.
    Correct: The Qazi said that the case was very difficult so he could not solve it.

  3. Incorrect: The Caliph asked the beggar to speak first.
    Correct: The Caliph asked the rich man to speak first.

  4. Incorrect: The Caliph wanted the rich man to touch the horse first.
    Correct: The Caliph wanted the beggar to touch the horse first.

  5. Incorrect: The horse belonged to the beggar.
    Correct: The horse belonged to the rich man.

  6. Incorrect: The Caliph decided to be strict.
    Correct: The Caliph decided to be merciful.

  7. Incorrect: The rich man hit the beggar.
    Correct: The rich man forgave the beggar.

Text Book Exercise 4

Identify the correct speakers for each statement:

S NoDialogueSpeaker
1.He begged me to give him a ride.The Rich Man
2.I swear the horse is mine.The Beggar
3.He said no one would believe me if I said that the horse is mine.The Beggar
4.I will tell the truth.The Rich Man
5.I have spent all my money on this horse.The Beggar
6.He told me I was an ungrateful person.The Rich Man
7.On reaching the city gate I asked him to get down.The Rich Man
8.He said that he wanted to reach the city quickly.The Beggar
9.He said that if I did not get down, he would use force.The Beggar
10.You are just and wise.The Beggar
11.He wanted to go up to the city gate.The Rich Man
12.Believe what I say.The Rich Man
13.On reaching the city gate he ordered me to get off the horse.The Beggar
14.I was puzzled when he refused to get down.The Rich Man
15.He requested me to lend him my horse.The Beggar
16.He was limping and asked me to stop.The Rich Man

Text Book Exercise 5

Complete the following statements in your notebook:

  1. With your knowledge and wisdom, you will be able to resolve the case in a just manner.
  2. He not only refused to get down, but he claimed that the horse belonged to him.
  3. Have pity on me and save me from the cruelty and injustice of this rich man.
  4. Whatever money I had, I spent on this horse.
  5. I beg you to save me from this robber and give me back my horse.
  6. Tell these men to place their hands on the horse, one by one.
  7. You are a liar and a wicked man.
  8. Instead of thanking you for taking pity on me and giving me a lift, I lied and claimed that the horse belonged to me.

Text Book Exercise 6

Complete the following sentences:

(a) The Caliph used to walk through the streets of Baghdad at night because he wanted to gain first-hand knowledge of their difficulties and problems.

(b) The Qazi went to the Caliph because he could not solve the case.

(c) The rich man said that he gave the beggar a lift because he was lame and he felt sorry for him.

(d) The beggar refused to get off the horse because he wanted to rob the rich man’s horse.

(e) The beggar said that he gave the rich man a lift because he was in a great hurry to reach the city.

(f) The horse winced when the beggar touched it because it did not like the touch of his hand.

(g) The horse snorted and neighed when the rich man touched it because the horse was pleased.

(h) Everyone liked the rich man because he not only forgave the beggar but gave him a handful of gold coins.

Text Book Exercise 7

Answer the following questions:

  1. What was Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid known and respected for?
    Ans: Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid was known and respected for his justice and wisdom. At night, he would disguise himself as a common man and go through the streets of Baghdad to mingle with the people and gain first-hand knowledge of their difficulties and problems.

  2. How did the two men brought before the Caliph look like?
    Ans: One of them was well-dressed and appeared to be a respectable citizen, while the other was in rags and seemed to be a beggar.

  3. What was the dispute between the rich man and the beggar?
    Ans: The dispute between the rich man and the beggar was over a horse, each of them claimed that it belonged to him.

  4. How did the Caliph decide who was the owner of the horse?
    Ans: The Caliph asked each man to place their hands on the horse. The horse winced when the beggar touched it but neighed with pleasure when the rich man touched it, proving that the rich man was the real owner.

  5. On what condition did the Caliph decide to forgive the beggar?
    Ans: The Caliph decided to forgive the beggar if he begged forgiveness from the rich man.

  6. After getting the horse how did the rich man behave?
    Ans: The rich man forgave the beggar and also gave him a handful of gold coins.



ENGLISH 10TH - Text Book Exercise


UNIT # 1.1

Text Book Exercise

01. Why did the author climb the steeple?
The poet wanted to hear the voice of God from the place as close as possible, so he climbed the steeple.

02. Why did God tell him to go down again?
God told the poet to go down again because He dwells among the people. He is not aloof from them. So He asked the poet to go to them and to mingle with them. To love one’s fellowmen is the best way to win God’s love. God loves those people who are caring and loving to other people. If we want to be close to God, we should love people and help them.

03. Say in your own words what you think is the message of this poem.
The message of the poem is that we should be very friendly and loving to other people. This is one of the best things that a man can do. God is happy with that person who takes care of and serves mankind.