Showing posts with label Future Tense and Active and Passive Voice - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Future Tense and Active and Passive Voice - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts

Future Tense and Active and Passive Voice - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th

Text Book Exercise 1

Will / Shall

  1. They __________ (come) here again next year. (will come)
  2. I __________ (complain) to the principal sometimes next week. (shall complain)
  3. They __________ (do) business with us from next year. (will do)
  4. This time tomorrow, I __________ (be) very busy. (shall be)
  5. We __________ (be) in trouble for being late. (will be)

Future Continuous

  1. I __________ (appear) for my board exams this year. (shall be appearing)
  2. We __________ (go) out later in the evening. (will be going)
  3. He __________ (stay) home the whole evening. (will be staying)
  4. They __________ (watch) the cricket match tonight. (will be watching)
  5. I __________ (drive) the car as our driver is ill. (shall be driving)

Future Perfect

  1. We __________ (climb) the mountain by tomorrow afternoon. (shall have climbed)
  2. He __________ (have) his tooth pulled out by the time we reach. (will have had)
  3. I __________ (meet) the captain of the cricket team by six o’clock tomorrow. (shall have met)
  4. His tailor __________ (stitch) his clothes by the time we get there. (will have stitched)
  5. By the time we finish they __________ (leave). (will have left) 

Be going to
01. Tariq __________ (deliver) the speech on behalf of the class. (is going to deliver)
02. We __________ (cut) this tree as it is about to fall. (are going to cut)
03. I think they __________ (get) admission in the best college. (are going to get)
04. The tree __________ (shed) its leaves soon as it is autumn time. (is going to shed)
05. I __________ (go) join the new hockey club soon. (am going to go)

Present continuous
01. We __________ (take) a trip to Tharparkar next Sunday. (are taking)
02. I __________ (cook) biryani for lunch today. (am cooking)
03. They __________ (buy) a new house soon. (are buying)
04. He __________ (invite) several people to his son’s wedding next month. (is inviting)
05. She __________ (participate) in the debate competition to be held by the school. (is participating)

Present simple
01. We __________ (start) this work tomorrow. (start)
02. The train __________ (leave) in half an hour. (leaves)
03. The ship __________ (sail) for South Africa next week. (sails)
04. She __________ (begin) her career in the Pakistani air force next year. (begins)
05. He __________ (return) tomorrow after a week-long journey. (returns)

Two future actions
01. It __________ (cost) a lot more if we _____ (buy) it next year. (is going to cost, will buy)
02. He _____ (visit) us when he _____ (come) to Karachi on his next visit. (will visit, comes)
03. We __________ (wait) for you at the gate until you __________ (arrive). (will wait, arrive)
04. The cat __________ (drink) the milk by the time you __________ (move) the bowl. (will drink, will have moved)
05. The programme __________ (end) by the time they __________ (finish) their food. (will end, will have finished)

Text Book Exercise 2
Q. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences using the correct future form of the given verbs.

  1. Do you think people __________ (travel) to the moon again? (will travel)
  2. Tomorrow we __________ (rehearse) a school play in the gym. (are going to rehearse)
  3. Dad __________ (wait) for you at the station when you arrive next week. (will wait)
  4. By the end of this year, I __________ (visit) Brazil. (will be visiting)
  5. I __________ (make) a shelf for my technology project. (will make)
  6. Look at that car! It __________ (crash) if the driver doesn’t slow down. (will crash)
  7. If I won’t know the answer, I __________ (ask) my elder sister. (will have asked)
  8. We __________ (go) on a picnic next weekend. Would you like to come? (will go)
  9. Sara and Meena __________ (finish) their IT project by tomorrow afternoon. (will have finished)
  10. Raza __________ (take) his goat for a walk when his mother __________ (come) back from work. (is going to take, will come)

Text Book Exercise 3
Q. Here is a conversation between a palmist and a customer. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the future tense. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

Customer: Can you tell me something about my future?
Palmist: I __________ (tell) you if you show me your palm. (am going to tell)

Customer: Tell me about my education.
Palmist: Initially, you __________ (study) till B.A. or B.Com. but you __________ (go) for higher education. (study, will go)

Customer: Where will I get my higher education?
Palmist: Probably you __________ (get) your first higher education degree in Pakistan. (will get)

Customer: How about travel?


You will travel (travel) a lot throughout your life.

What about my earnings?

You will be (be) a rich person. You will earn (earn) a lot of money. But all of this will depend on how hard you work and how well you treat (treat) your parents.

Can you tell me something about my health?

In the near future you enjoy (enjoy) good health, but later on you will suffer (suffer) from an unknown disease. The good news is that you will find (find) a good doctor who will treat (treat) you well and will cure (cure) you completely.

Thank God for that! Anything else?

You will be (be) a highly successful person. Good luck to you.

Thank you.

Text Book Exercise 4

Active Voice and Passive Voice

The passive form is commonly used in textbooks, in scientific, technical, and business reports, and in newspapers.
In some cases, ‘by’ may be used to clarify who the doer is; in other cases, the doer may just be implied. It is generally omitted when it is obvious who the ‘doer’ is.

The house is being painted.

Active and Passive Voice

We use passive voice when:

  1. We don’t know the agent.
    (ہم کام کرنے والے فرد کو نہیں جانتے ہیں۔)

  2. We don’t want to mention the agent.
    (ہم کام کرنے والے فرد کا ذکر نہیں کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔)

be (form) + V(pp)

Passive Voice بنانے کے اصول:

  1. The subject of the active voice becomes the object of the passive voice.
    (active voice کا فاعل passive voice کا مفعول بن جاتا ہے۔)

  2. The object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice.
    (active voice کا مفعول passive voice کا فاعل بن جاتا ہے۔)

  3. We use the form of ‘be’ according to the tense of the active voice.
    (ہم 'be' فارم کو active voice کے ٹینس کے مطابق استعمال کرتے ہیں۔)

  4. We always use the past participle (pp) of the verb in the passive voice.
    (verb past participle کا passive voice میں استعمال ہوتا ہے۔)

  5. We can omit the agent (the subject of the active voice) in the passive voice if it is a pronoun or it is unimportant.
    (ہم active voice کے فاعل کو passive voice میں چھوڑ سکتے ہیں اگر وہ ضمیر ہو یا اہم نہ ہو۔)

01. Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense:


Essays are written by me. (Passive)

There are 3 forms of ‘be’ (am/is/are) in the present. We use them according to the subject of the passive voice.
(Present میں 'be' کی تین اقسام ہیں۔ ہم ان کو passive voice کے فاعل کے مطابق استعمال کرتے ہیں۔)

S NoActive VoicePassive Voice
1He takes a catch.A catch is taken by him.
2She does not like tea.Tea is not liked by her.
3Do you love books?Are books loved by you?
4Who knows it?Who is it known by? or By whom is it known?

02. Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense:

Here we add ‘being’ before the V(pp). The other rules are the same. The form of ‘be’ is already present; there can be a change according to the subject.

  • Active: I am writing letters.
  • Passive: Letters are being written by me.

Note: The form of ‘be’ (am) was already present, but we changed it into “are” because of the subject.

  • Active: What is troubling you?

  • Passive: What are you being troubled by?

  • Active: He is not helping.

  • Passive: We are not being helped by him.

03. Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense:

Here we add ‘been’ before the V(pp). The other rules are the same.

  • Active: I have seen this film.

  • Passive: This film has been seen by me.

  • Active: Have you got the visa?

  • Passive: Has the visa been got by you?

  • Active: Who has done it?

  • Passive: Who has it been done by? / By whom has it been done? (old fashioned passive)

04. Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense:

  • There are two forms of ‘be’ (was/were) in the past. We use them according to the subject of the passive voice.

  • Active: He dug a hole.
    Passive: A hole was dug by him.

  • Active: We did not do it.
    Passive: It was not done by us.

  • Active: What caused the explosion?
    Passive: What was the explosion caused by?

05. Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense:

  • The rule is the same as for the present continuous tense.

  • Passive voice is made for only two continuous tenses: Present continuous and past continuous.

  • Active: I was watching a play on TV.
    Passive: A play was being watched on TV by me.

  • Active: Were you doing homework?
    Passive: Was homework being done by you?

  • Active: Who was teasing you?
    Passive: Who were you being teased by?

06. Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense:

  • The rule is the same as for the present perfect tense.

  • Active: She had visited Paris.
    Passive: Paris had been visited by her.

  • Active: Who had eaten my food?
    Passive: Who had my food been eaten by?
    Old-fashioned Passive: By whom had my food been eaten?

07. Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense:

  • We use ‘be’ in the future tense.

    Active: The police will catch the thief.
    Passive: The thief will be caught by the police.

    Active: Will you not help her?
    Passive: Will she not be helped by you?

    Active: How will you do it?
    Passive: How will it be done by you?

08. Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense:

  • The rule is the same as for present perfect and past perfect.
    ‘Been’ is added before V(pp).

    Active: We will have completed the lesson by tomorrow.
    Passive: The lesson will have been completed by tomorrow by us.

    Active: Will he have learnt this lesson in a week?
    Passive: Will this lesson have been learnt in a week by him?

09. Passive with Modal Auxiliaries:

  • Modal auxiliaries or simply modals are:
    will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must, have to, has to, had to, ought to, had better, etc.

    Modals + be + V(pp)

    Active: She can type the letters.
    Passive: The letters can be typed by her.

    Active: They should not do it.
    Passive: It should not be done by them.

10. Passive with Two Objects:

  • When there are two objects after a verb, the first object is usually an indirect object (a pronoun) and the second object is a direct object (a noun).
    The subject of the passive voice is often the indirect subject.

    Example in Urdu:
    جس میں verb کے بعد دو مفعول objects ہوتے ہیں، پہلا مفعول (indirect) کہلاتا ہے اور دوسرا مفعول (object) direct کہلاتا ہے۔
    passive voice کے فاعل میں عام طور پر indirect object لیا جاتا ہے۔

11. Passive of Imperative Sentences:

Imperative sentences are of two types: ‘Do it.’ or ‘Don’t do it.’
They are made passive by the following pattern:

Let + object + be + V(pp)


  • Active: Open the door.
    Passive: Let the door be opened.

  • Active: Don’t do it again.
    Passive: Let it not be done again.


S NoTensesActive VoicePassive Voice
1Present Indefinite Tenselove/lovesam/is/are loved
2Present Continuous Tenseam/is/are lovingam/is/are being loved
3Present Perfect Tensehave/has lovedhave/has been loved
4Past Indefinite Tenselovedwas/were loved
5Past Continuous Tensewas/were lovingwas/were being loved
6Past Perfect Tensehad lovedhad been loved
7Future Indefinite Tensewill/shallwill/shall be loved
8Future Perfect Tensewill have lovedwill have been loved
9Modalscan/could/will/shall/may/might/would/modals (can/must/etc.) + be loved
must/have to/has to? had to/ought to/ had better love

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Change the following passive voice into an active voice. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.

  1. The walls are being painted by them.
    Ans: They are painting the walls.

  2. The latest book of the writer is liked by the reader.
    Ans: The readers like the latest book of the writer.

  3. We had been given the wrong tickets.
    Ans: The wrong tickets had given to us.

  4. The thieves were caught.
    Ans: They caught the thieves.

  5. These three books had been written by him in 1873.
    Ans: He had written these three books in 1873.

  6. Why is time wasted by everyone?
    Ans: Why does everyone waste time?

  7. The new houses will be built by the new construction company.
    Ans: The new construction company will build the new houses.

  8. The official documents have been sent by the officer.
    Ans: The officer has sent the official documents.

  9. They can be given some information about the job by Ramiz.
    Ans: Ramiz can give some information about the job.

  10. A new road was being planned near my house by the government.
    Ans: The government was planning a new road near my house.

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Change the following active voice into passive voice. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.

  1. The Students should study environmental problems at school.
    Ans: Environmental problems should be studied at school by the students.

  2. Teachers could include this topic in their classes.
    Ans: This topic could be included in their class by teachers.

  3. Some people buy returnable bottles and use recycled paper.
    Ans: Returnable bottles are bought and recycled paper is used by some people.

  4. Governments have constantly ignored important issues for economic reasons.
    Ans: Important issues have been constantly ignored for economic reasons by governments.

  5. At school, teachers often tell students about pollution and its prevention.
    Ans: At school, students are often told about pollution and its prevention by teachers.

  6. In developed countries, authorities expect everybody to cooperate.
    Ans: In developed countries, everyone is expected by authorities to cooperate.

  7. Everyone should throw their bottles in the bottle recycling bins.
    Ans: Bottles should be thrown in the bottle recycling bins by everyone.

  8. Parents must teach their children how to dispose of the rubbish.
    Ans: Children must be taught how to dispose of the rubbish by their parents.

  9. Last year several nations held a meeting to discuss environmental problems.
    Ans: Last year, a meeting was held by several nations to discuss environmental problems.

  10. Organizations like Greenpeace are giving people leaflets about what to do.
    Ans: People are being given leaflets about what to do by organizations like Greenpeace.
    Leaflets about what to do are being given to people by organizations like Greenpeace.

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work in pairs and change the voice in the following two passages. After completing, compare your work with another pair. Make changes in your work if needed.

A local jewellery shop was robbed yesterday by two men. When the shop had been locked up by the owner, a gun was held at his head by one of the robbers. He was told by the other to unlock the shop and hand over the diamonds in the safe. A search has been organized for the robber by the police, and it is hoped that he will be captured by them in a few days. The owner is being treated by the doctors at a local hospital. He has been badly affected by the incident. No one knows how soon the shop will be opened by him again.

Two men robbed a local jewellery shop yesterday. When the owner had locked up the shop, one of the robbers held a gun at his head. The other told him to unlock the shop and hand over the diamonds in the safe. The police have organized a search for the robber, and they hope that they will capture him in a few days. The owner is receiving treatment at a local hospital. The incident has badly affected him. No one knows how soon he will open the shop again.

Our school is organizing a contest. The student council members will organize the event. The school management will provide administrative and financial support. Parents will also play a role in the activity. Students will prepare different projects about the environment. They will also be required to write articles related to the environment. The teachers will guide them in developing the projects. A team of experts will judge the work of the students. They will select two projects and two articles for award prizes. Famous publishers have given a set of encyclopedias and some books to be given as prizes.

A contest is being organized by our school. The event will be organized by the student council members. The administrative and financial support will be provided by the school management. A role in the activity will also be played by parents. Different projects about the environment will be prepared by students. They will also be required to write articles related to the environment. They will be guided by the teachers in developing the projects. The work of the students will be judged by a team of experts. Two projects and two articles for award prizes will be selected by them. A set of encyclopedias and some books have been given by a famous publisher, to be given as prizes.