Showing posts with label Chapter 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 6. Show all posts





Q.1: Why is Miss Fatima Jinnah called Madr-e-Millat (mother of the nation)?
Ans: Miss Fatima Jinnah helped her brother in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. She devoted her life to Quaid-e-Azam. She looked after her brother so much. The grateful nation thus calls her Madr-e-Millat which means the mother of the nation.

Q.2: What role did Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan play in the Pakistan movement? OR How did Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan help her husband in the Pakistan movement?
Ans: Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali worked as an honorary secretary and typist of Liaquat Ali Khan. She arranged parties where Muslim women could meet the wife and the daughter of the Viceroy. She also organized Women's National Guards.

Q.3: What role did Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz play in the independence movement?
Ans: Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz represented the Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences held in London. She also travelled widely and explained to the people of other countries why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state. She was also the first woman ever to make a speech in London's Guild Hall.

Q.4: Who was Miss Fatima Jinnah? Why is she called Madr-e-Millat?
Ans: Miss Fatima Jinnah was the youngest sister of the Quaid-e-Azam. She looked after her brother so much. She devoted her life for the Pakistan movement. Due to her devotion, services and sincerity, the nation calls her "Madr-e-Millat".

Q.5: What do you know about the services of Anita Ghulam Ali?
Ans: Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was a newscaster and teacher. She wrote many articles and books. She served twice as the Education Minister of Sindh. She was one of the founders of Sindh Education Foundation which worked for education in rural areas of Sindh. The Government of Pakistan recognized her services and awarded Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-Imtiaz.

Q.6: What do you know about the services of Bilquis Bano Edhi?
Ans: She is a philanthropist who is also trained as a professional nurse. She now heads the Edhi Foundation which provides nationwide support and care to the public, such as shelter homes and ambulance services.


 ENGLISH 9TH - Exercises

UNIT # 06

1. Write the answers to the following questions in your notebook:

  1. How many students were there in Sana's group? Write their names.
    Ans: There are 6 students in Sana's group.
    (i) Sana
    (ii) Aliya
    (iii) Sameer
    (iv) Razia
    (v) Hania
    (vi) Ahmed

  2. How many famous women of Pakistan are mentioned in the text? Write their names in the order of appearance in the text.
    Ans: Five famous women of Pakistan are mentioned in the text. In the order of appearance in the text, they are:
    (i) Motharma Fatima Jinnah
    (ii) Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan
    (iii) Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
    (iv) Professor Anita Ghulam Ali
    (v) Bilquis Edhi

  3. How many students shared their dreams at the end of the presentations? Write their names.
    Ans: Four students shared their dreams at the end of the presentations.

2. Work in pairs, find the following words in the text and underline them.

S NoWord

Now, try and guess the meanings of these words. Share your guesses with your partner.

3. Following are the 'Words Meanings':

Simultaneouslyایک ہی وقت میں
Philanthropistانسانیت نواز
Rehearsedتیار کرنا
Inspiredمتاثر ہونا
Enthusiasmجوش و خروش

4. Do the following exercise in your notebook. Fill the blanks using all the words given in exercise 2. You can use each word only once. The first one has been done as an example.

  1. My brother decided to become a soldier because he was inspired by his uncle's disciplined way of life.
  2. There are many charitable institutions in Pakistan that are funded by philanthropists.
  3. The whole class said simultaneously 'Yes' when the teacher asked if they wanted to go for a picnic.
  4. Every year, the government awards titles to people in recognition of their services in different fields.
  5. My father always asks for our opinions before buying any new furniture or other household things.
  6. Our principal praised all the students for their contribution to the flood relief fund.
  7. Everyone clapped with enthusiasm when the small children ran in the race.
  8. Our group rehearsed many times before the finals of the folk song competition.
  9. Pakistan was created through the tireless efforts of many Muslims working under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam.
  10. All children in Pakistan should have access to quality education.
  11. Allama Iqbal is a renowned poet of the subcontinent.

5. Read the text and tick the correct answer:

  1. Which of the following sources of information were not used by the students?
    (a) laptop and internet
    (b) Newspaper and magazines
    (c) Books and smart phone
    (d) Radio and television

  2. Madr-e-Millat means:
    (a) Leader of Asia
    (b) Leader of the nation
    (c) Mother of the nation
    (d) Pride of the nation

  3. The first woman who represented the Muslim women in three Round Table Conferences in London, was:
    (a) Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
    (b) Bilquis Edhi
    (c) Fatima Jinnah
    (d) Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan

  4. Bilquis Edhi was awarded:
    (a) Hilal-e-Imtiaz
    (b) Nishan-e-Haider
    (c) Sitara-e-Imtiaz
    (d) Sitara-e-Jura'at

  5. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was appointed twice as a minister of:
    (a) Culture
    (b) Education
    (c) Science and Technology
    (d) Youth and Sports

6. Work in pairs and find out two things or achievements about each of the following famous women. Once you have orally discussed, write the two things /achievements of each of these women in your notebooks.

S NoWordSentences
1Fatimah Jinnah(i) She left dentistry to live with her brother, Quaid-e-Azam and support him.
(ii) She helped Quaid-e-Azam in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan for about 28 years.
2Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan(i) She organized Muslim voluntary service, and later, the women's National Guards.
(ii) She is also the founder of the All Pakistan Women Association (APWA).
3Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz(i) She represented the Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences,
(ii) She was the first woman to make a speech in London's Guild Hall.
4Professor Anita Ghulam Ali(i) She was a well-known teacher. She wrote many articles and books.
(ii) She was the founding manager of the Sindh Education Foundation.
5Bilquis Edhi(i) She is a philanthropist who is also trained as a professional nurse.
(ii) She now heads the Edhi Foundation.

7. Read the text and fill in the following table. First fill in the years of birth and death and put the chronological order (chronological order means the order in which things happened). Finally, write their main contribution. After you have completed, discuss your answers with your partner.

NameYear of birthYear of deathChronological order by year of birthChronological order by year of deathMain contribution for Pakistan
Fatima Jinnah1893196911Help her brother, Quaid-e-Azam, in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan
Bilquis Bano Edhi1947Still alive55Social worker and head of Edhi Foundation
Anita Ghulam1934201444Worked for education. Founded Sindh Education Foundation.
Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz1896197922Made speeches and explained to the people of other countries, why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state.
Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan1905199033Founded Women's National Guards and All Pakistan Women Association

Work in pairs and orally complete the following statements by giving reasons. After you have discussed all the statements, write complete sentences in your notebook. The first one has been done as an example.

  1. Sana was worried because she did not have a computer for gathering information.
  2. Aliya suggested that they use the IDEAL tool because ____________________________.
  3. The Muslim women benefitted from Fatima Jinnah’s support because ___________________.
  4. Begum Rana Liaquat Ali worked as a secretary because ___________________________.
  5. Begum Jahan Ara could explain Muslims' point of view to people in many countries because ___________________.
  6. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was awarded the Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-Imtiaz because ___________________.
  7. Bilquis Edhi has received the Hilal-e-Imtiaz award because _______________________.
  8. Maryam said that she wanted to be an educationist because _______________________.
  9. Daniyal said that he wanted to be like Abdul Sattar Edhi because _____________________.