Showing posts with label Transitional Devices and Direct Indirect - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transitional Devices and Direct Indirect - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts

Transitional Devices and Direct Indirect - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th


Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Work individually and underline the words showing order in passage 1 and connectors of reason in passage 2 given below. Discuss your answers with your partner.

Passage 1:
Saturday was a great day! First, I met my friends at the sports centre. Then, we had lunch at Chez Café. Next, we went to a museum and saw some amazing dinosaurs. After that, we went to see a fantastic science fiction film. As soon as the film ended, we all went home.

Passage 2:
Bilal was an hour late because he had missed the train. I did not bother him as he was worried. I offered him lunch since it was lunchtime, but he refused. Owing to staff shortage at the office, everyone was very busy due to which nobody was able to ensure that he had had his lunch.

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Work individually and complete the passage with the words showing order. Discuss your answers with your partner.

Yesterday was my birthday, and it didn’t start well. I went to the park to meet my friends, but they weren’t there. So, I decided to look for them. First, I went to the shopping centre opposite the park, but they weren’t there. Then, I looked for them in the library, but they weren’t there. After that, I tried the sports centre and the restaurant near the park, but my friends weren’t there. In the end, I went home, and my friends were there, with a birthday cake, ice cream, music, and games. It was a surprise party for me! Finally, I had a great birthday.

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Work individually and fill in the blanks with the most suitable words showing order from the brackets. An example has been done. Discuss your answers with your partner.

  1. My sister was in the dentist’s office for ten minutes. Meanwhile, I sat in the waiting room with an old magazine in my hands.
    (First, Meanwhile, Later)

  2. An hour passed, but there was no sign of Mujahid. Finally, we decided to go home.
    (Until, Before, Finally)

  3. We bumped into Salim during our trip to Keenjar Lake. A few weeks later, I met him again.
    (after, then, later)

  4. She had finished her lunch before I had even started.
    (later, than, before, after)

  5. They went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast, afterwards, they drove off towards the River Indus.
    (after that, afterwards, meanwhile)

  6. The football coach announced to play with Sindh first, and then with Baluchistan.
    (first-then, later-after, lastly-eventually)

  7. As we are all hungry, we will go to the park after taking lunch.
    (before, after, first)

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. The following statements describe the process of frying an egg, but the steps are all mixed up. Work with your partner and select the appropriate words for each blank to describe the process of frying an egg. After filling in the blanks, write these steps in the correct order, in the form of a paragraph, in your notebooks.

| Next | Step three | After that | In the end | First | Step two | Then | Step one |

  1. Next, cook for a while.
  2. Step one, put some oil in it.
  3. Step three, break the egg.
  4. First, take a frying pan.
  5. At the end, sprinkle salt and pepper over it.
  6. Finally, eat it with bread.
  7. Step two, put it on the stove.
  8. After that, put the fried egg on the plate.
  9. Then, put it in the heated oil.

First, take a frying pan. Step one, put some oil in it. Step two, put it on the stove. Step three, break the egg. Then, put it in the heated oil. Next, cook for a while. After that, put the fried egg on the plate. At the end, sprinkle salt and pepper over it. Finally, eat it with bread.

Direct / Indirect Speech

There are two main ways of reporting people's words.
لوگوں کے الفاظ بیان کرنے کے دو عام طریقے ہیں۔

  1. Direct Speech:
    It consists of someone's exact words. It is written inside inverted commas. It begins with a capital letter.
    ا- براہ راست تقریر میں، کسی شخص کے اصل الفاظ کو مشتمل ہوتی ہے۔ یہ الٹے کومے کے اندر لکھی جاتی ہے اور بڑے حرف سے شروع ہوتی ہے۔

Indirect Speech

2. Indirect Speech:
It is the reported speech. The verb introducing the reported speech is called a reporting verb.

Rules for changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech:
ڈائریکٹ سپیچ کو ان ڈائریکٹ سپیچ میں تبدیل کرنے کے قواعد

Rule 1:
Changing the Punctuation:
In indirect (reported speech), we omit the inverted commas in direct speech. We also omit the comma after the reporting verb.
(In Urdu) ان ڈائریکٹ تقریر میں ہم براہ راست تقریر میں الٹے کاموں کو چھوڑ دیتے ہیں اور ہم رپورٹنگ فعل کے بعد کوما بھی چھوڑ دیتے ہیں۔

Rule 2:
Changing the time and place expressions:
وقت اور جگہ کے الفاظ کی تبدیلی

todaythat day
tomorrownext day / the following day
yesterdaythe day before / the previous day
last weekthe week before / the previous week
next day/week/etc.the following day/week, etc.
the day after tomorrowin two days' time

Rule 3:
Changing the Person:
(i) First person pronouns 'I' and 'we' and first person possessive adjectives 'my' and 'our' change according to the subject of the reporting verb.

  • فرسٹ پرسن پروناؤنز 'I' اور 'We' اور پرسنل ایڈجیکٹو 'My' اور 'Our' سبجیکٹ کے مطابق تبدیل ہوتے ہیں۔

(ii) Second person pronoun 'you' and second person possessive adjective 'your' change according to the object of the reporting verb.

  • سیکنڈ پرسن پروناؤن 'You' اور پرسنل ایڈجیکٹو 'Your' object کے مطابق تبدیل ہوتے ہیں۔

(iii) Third person pronouns 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they' and third person possessive adjectives 'his', 'her', 'its', and 'their' never change.

  • تھرڈ پرسن پروناؤنز 'He', 'She', 'It', 'They' اور پرسنل ایڈجیکٹو 'His', 'Her', 'Its' اور 'Their' تبدیل نہیں ہوتے۔


  • Direct speech → He says, "I am happy."
  • Indirect speech → He says that he is happy.

Rule 4:
If there is an object after 'say', it changes into 'tell'. If there is no object after 'say' it remains say and does not change to 'tell'.

  • اگر say کے بعد object ہو تو یہ tell میں تبدیل ہو جاتا ہے، اور اگر کوئی object نہ ہو تو say ہی رہتا ہے۔

(iv) In declarative sentences, we use 'that' to begin the reported speech.

  • جملوں میں ہم رپورٹڈ تقریر کرنے کے لئے that کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

(v) Sometimes there is no object after the reporting verb, and the speaker says 'you', assume that you are being talked to. Change 'you' to 'I/me' or 'we/us'.

  • کبھی کبھار رپورٹنگ ورب کے بعد کوئی object نہیں ہوتا اور سپیکر 'you' کہتا ہے، تو اسے خود پر لے لیں۔ 'you' کو 'I/me' یا 'we/us' میں تبدیل کریں۔
  • They will say, "You are a fool." → They will say that I am a fool.

Rule 5: Changing the Present, Present Perfect, or Future Indefinite Tenses: If the reporting speech is in the present, present perfect, or future indefinite tense, there is no change of tenses in the reported speech.

  • فعل حال مطلق، فعل حال کامل اور فعل مستقبل معروف کی تبدیلیاں:
    اگر رپورٹنگ فعل حال مطلق، Present Perfect، یا Future Indefinite میں ہو تو رپورٹڈ تقریر میں ٹینسز کی تبدیلی نہیں ہوتی ہے۔

Rule 6: Changing the Past Tenses:
If the reporting verb is in past tense, the following changes take place.

  • فعل ماضی کی تبدیلیاں:
    اگر رپورٹنگ فعل Past Tense میں ہو تو مندرجہ ذیل تبدیلیاں ہوتی ہیں۔

(a) Present Indefinite Tense → Past Indefinite Tense
e.g.: He said to me, "I change my subjects now."
He told me that he changed his subjects then.

(b) Present Continuous Tense → Past Continuous Tense
e.g.: She told to her, "You are not doing well in your studies."
She told her that she was not doing well in her studies.

(c) Present Perfect Tense → Past Perfect Tense
e.g.: He said to my brother, "You have made a great mistake."
He told my brother that he had made a great mistake.

(d) Present Perfect Continuous Tense → Past Perfect Continuous Tense
e.g.: She said to her sister, "You have been wasting your time for three days."
She told her sister that she had been wasting her time for three days.

(e) Past Indefinite Tense → Past Perfect Tense
e.g.: She said to me, "You made a good decision."
She told me that I had made a good decision.

(f) Past Continuous Tense → Past Perfect Continuous Tense
e.g.: He said to her, "You were wearing a red dress."
He told her that she had been wearing a red dress.

(g) Past Perfect Tense → No Change
e.g.: She said, "I had not met him before."
She said that she had not met him before.

(h) Past Perfect Continuous Tense → No Change
e.g.: My friend said to me, "I had been living in Dubai for two years."
My friend told me that she had been living in Dubai for two years.

(i) Will/Shall → Would/Should
e.g.: They said to us, "You will get a reward."
They told us that we would get a reward.

(j) Will Be (ing) → Would Be (ing)
e.g.: Naheed said to me, "He will be playing in the ground."
Naheed told me that he would be playing in the ground.

(k) Must → Had to
e.g.: He said to me, "You must take care of your health."
He told me that I had to take care of my health.

(l) Can → Could
e.g.: He said to me, "I can speak English."
He told me that he could speak English.

(m) May → Might
e.g.: He said, "It may rain today."
He said that it might rain that day.

(n) Have To/Has To → Had To
e.g.: She said, "You have to hurry."
She said that I had to hurry.

(o) Would/Should/Might/Could/Had To/Had Better/Ought To/Used To → No Change
e.g.: She said, "I used to live here."
She said that she used to live there.

(p) A Universal Truth → No Change
e.g.: My teacher said, "AIDS is caused by a virus."
My teacher said that AIDS is caused by a virus.

Rule 7: Changing Simple Interrogative Sentences:

(i) We change the reporting verb into 'ask'.
ہم رپورٹنگ فعل کو 'ask' میں تبدیل کرتے ہیں۔

(ii) Instead of 'that' we use 'if' or 'whether', 'if' is more popular/common.
'that' کے بجائے ہم 'if' یا 'whether' استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ 'if' زیادہ عام ہے۔

(iii) The simple interrogative sentence is changed into an affirmative sentence.
سادہ سوالیہ جملے کو اثباتی جملے میں تبدیل کر دیا جاتا ہے۔

(iv) A simple interrogative sentence begins with an auxiliary (model) e.g.
am/is/are/was/were/will/shall/can/could/may/might/must/should/would, etc.
سادہ سوالیہ جملہ auxiliary (model) سے شروع ہوتا ہے۔

He said, "Will you help me?"
He asked if I would help him.

Rule 8: Changing Real Interrogative Sentences:

Real interrogative sentences begin with interrogative words.
حقیقی سوالیہ جملے سوالیہ الفاظ سے شروع ہوتے ہیں۔
e.g.: what/when/who/which/whose/why/where/how/whom, etc.

(i) Like simple interrogative sentences, we change the reporting verb to 'ask'.
سادہ سوالیہ جملوں کی طرح، ہم رپورٹنگ فعل کو 'ask' میں تبدیل کرتے ہیں۔

(ii) We do not use 'that or if', but we use the given interrogative word.
ہم 'that' اور 'if' استعمال نہیں کرتے بلکہ دیا گیا سوالیہ لفظ استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

(iii) The real interrogative sentence is changed to an affirmative sentence.
حقیقی سوالیہ جملے کو اثباتی جملے میں تبدیل کر دیا جاتا ہے۔

He said to me, "Who did it?"
He asked me who had done it.

Rule 9: Changing Imperative Sentences:

An imperative sentence makes a request or gives a command.
حکمی / التماسی جملوں کی تبدیلی:
امر یا التماس کرنے کا جملہ ہوتا ہے۔

(i) The reporting verb is changed to tell/order/warn/advise/remind/beg/ask, etc.
However, we can use 'tell' for commands and 'ask' for requests in all situations.
رپورٹنگ فعل کو tell/order/warn/advise/remind/beg/ask, etc. میں تبدیل کیا جاتا ہے۔
ہم تمام صورتوں میں حکم کے لئے tell اور درخواست کے لئے ask استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
He said to me, "Don’t do it again."
He told me not to do it again.
(She said to her, "Please, help me.")
She asked her to help her.

(ii) Positive imperative sentences start with "to" and negative imperative sentences start with "not to".
مثبت جملے 'to' سے اور منفی جملے 'not to' سے شروع ہوتے ہیں۔

(iii) If the reporting verb is not followed by an object, supply an object yourself.
اگر رپورٹنگ فعل کے بعد کوئی object نہ ہو تو خود سے کوئی object لگا دیں۔

Rule 10: Changing Exclamatory Sentences:

An exclamatory sentence expresses a thought with strong emotions.
Exclamatory جملوں کی تبدیلی:
Exclamatory جملے جذبات کے ساتھ کسی خیال کا اظہار کرتے ہیں۔

(i) They are changed into affirmative sentences.
یہ جملے اثباتی جملوں میں تبدیل ہو جاتے ہیں۔

(ii) The reporting verb is 'tell' or, 'expressed with sorrow/joy'. Tell is more common.
رپورٹنگ فعل 'tell' یا 'expressed with sorrow/joy' ہوتا ہے۔ Tell زیادہ عام ہے۔

(iii) We use 'that' in exclamatory sentences.
ہم exclamatory جملوں میں 'that' استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

He said, "What a hot day!"
He said that it was a hot day.
(She said, "How heavy it is!")
She said that it was heavy.

Revision of Direct / Indirect Questions

You have already learned in earlier classes about the two types of questions: 'Yes / No' questions and Wh-questions. When changing 'Yes / No' type of questions from direct to indirect speech, if or whether is added.


  • Direct: Rehana said, “Can you fetch me some water?”
    Indirect: Rehana asked if I could fetch her some water.

  • Direct: Parvez said, “Are you from Australia?”
    Indirect: Parvez asked whether I was from Australia.

However, when changing the Wh-questions from direct to indirect speech, the 'Wh' word used in the direct speech is used in the indirect speech. Moreover, the person who is being asked the question is either mentioned directly or there is an indirect reference.


  • Direct: Mother said, “How is the chicken?”
    Indirect: Mother asked me how the chicken was.

  • Direct: Haseeb said, “When will we go to the stadium, Tahir?”
    Indirect: Haseeb asked Tahir when they would go to the stadium.

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Work in pairs, orally discuss and change the following from direct to indirect speech. After discussing, write the correct responses in your notebook.

  1. Ali’s friend said, “Can you spare me your book for a week?”
    Ans: Ali’s friend asked if I could spare him my book for a week.

  2. She said to him, “Do you sell seafood?”
    Ans: She asked him if he sold seafood.

  3. “Have you visited Mohatta palace in Karachi, Charles?” said Behram.
    Ans: Behram wanted to know whether Charles had visited Mohatta palace in Karachi.

      4. Rehan said to his sister, "Was your friend's birthday on Friday or Saturday?"
      Ans: Rehan asked his sister if her friend's birthday was on Friday or Saturday.

       5. The doctor said to his patient, "Are you taking medicine regularly?"
       Ans: The doctor asked his patient if he was taking medicine regularly.

       6. "Can we take photographs here?" the students asked the caretaker.
        Ans: The students asked the caretaker if they could take photographs there.

        7. Ashok said, "Is there a petrol pump nearby, Sunil?"
        Ans: Ashok asked Sunil if there was a petrol pump nearby.

        8. Mother said, "Do they know the date of our visit?"
       Ans: Mother asked if they knew the date of our visit.

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Work in pairs, orally discuss and change the following from direct to indirect speech. After discussing, write the correct responses in your notebook.

  1. “When will your results be announced?” said Jason.
    Ans: Jason asked when our results would be announced.

  2. “What time will the match start, Zaheer?” said Zaman.
    Ans: Zaman asked Zaheer what time the match would start.

  3. The old woman asked, “Where is the nearest hospital?”
    Ans: The old woman asked where the nearest hospital was.

  4. The climber said, “How quickly can we climb this hill?”
    Ans: The climber asked how quickly we could climb that hill.

  5. “What is the price of this article?” the customer asked the shopkeeper.
    Ans: The customer asked the shopkeeper what the price of that article was.

  6. “Why are you angry with me, Zahida?” said Sabiha.
    Ans: Sabiha asked Zahida why she was angry with her.

  7. The policeman said, “Whose car is this?”
    Ans: The police asked whose car that was.

  8. The old man said, “Children, who broke this windowpane?”
    Ans: The old man asked the children who had broken that windowpane.

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. When Faiz returned from the interview, his friends wanted to know the details. He reported what the interviewer had asked him. Work individually and write what Faiz told his friends. The first one has been done as an example.

  1. "What is your name?"
    Ans: The interviewer asked me what my name was.

  2. "What is your qualification?"
    Ans: She asked me my qualifications. / She asked me what my qualification was.

  3. "Do you know how to type?"
    Ans: She asked me if I knew how to type.

  4. "Can you use the computer?"
    Ans: The interviewer asked if I could use the computer.

  5. "How good is your English?"
    Ans: The interviewer wanted to know how good my English was.

  6. "Have you worked anywhere else before?"
    Ans: She asked if I had worked anywhere else before.

  7. "Why do you want to work in this factory?"
    Ans: She asked why I wanted to work in that factory.

  8. "Where do you live?"
    Ans: The interviewer asked where I lived.

  9. "How far is this factory from your house?"
    Ans: She enquired how far that factory was from my house.

  10. "Is there any question that you want to ask?"
    Ans: She wanted to know if I wanted to ask any question.

Text Book Exercise 8

Q. Work individually and rewrite the passage in the form of reported speech.

Nadeem went to his boss and said, “Will I get a promotion this year?” His boss replied that he would. Nadeem said, “When will I get it?” His boss said that he would, but on one condition. “What is that?” said Nadeem. The boss replied, “Can you answer some questions?” Nadeem said, “If I answer correctly, will I get the promotion?” The boss confirmed it and said, “Should I ask you three easy questions or one difficult question?”
“Can you give me some time to think?” said Nadeem. The boss gave him two minutes to decide. “Is the difficult question very difficult?” asked Nadeem. The boss replied that it would depend on what he thought was difficult. Nadeem said, “What if I cannot answer?”
He then further asked, “Will I get another chance?” The boss replied in the negative. Nadeem thought for a minute and agreed to be asked one difficult question. The boss asked him if he was sure. Nadeem said, “Do I have a choice?” The boss said that he could try the three easy questions. Nadeem said that he would like to answer the difficult question. So, the boss said, “What came first, day or night?” Nadeem thought for a minute and replied that day came first. The boss asked him “How do you know?” Nadeem said, “You had answered one question as per their agreement.” The boss had been pleased with his quick thinking and had given him immediate promotion.

Ans: Nadeem went to his boss and asked if he would get a promotion that year. His boss replied that he would. Nadeem asked when he would get it. His boss said that he would, but on one condition. Nadeem asked what that was. The boss enquired if he could answer some questions. Nadeem asked if he answered correctly would he get the promotion. The boss confirmed it and enquired if he should ask three easy questions or one difficult question.

Nadeem asked if he could give him some time to think. The boss gave him two minutes to decide. Nadeem asked if the difficult question was very difficult. The boss replied that it would depend on what he thought was difficult. Nadeem asked what if he could not answer. Then he further asked if he would get another chance. The boss replied in the negative.

Nadeem thought for a minute and agreed to be asked one difficult question. The boss asked him if he was sure. Nadeem asked if he had a choice. The boss told him that he could try three easy questions. Nadeem said that he would like to answer the difficult question. So, the boss asked what had come first, day or night. Nadeem thought for a minute and replied that day came first. The boss asked how he knew. Nadeem said that he had answered one question as per their agreement. The boss had been pleased with his quick thinking and gave him immediate promotion.