Showing posts with label Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Exercise - English 10th. Show all posts

Prepositions and Conditional Sentences - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th


Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Work individually, choose the correct option from the prepositions of movement and direction given in parentheses. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

  1. Let’s go for a walk by (across/under/by) the river.
  2. I’m going to (to/past/around) the shop to buy some grocery.
  3. We sailed around (over/under/around) the bay today.
  4. Let’s walk through (under/over/by) the river.
  5. I’m going to (over/into/to) Paris in May.
  6. We walked all around (around/under/to) the city centre but couldn’t find the store.
  7. He put the open book on (at/on/in) the desk and asked the child to read.
  8. The lion walked in a circle around (across/around/into) the baby giraffe before attacking it.
  9. The train passed through (onto/into/through) nine tunnels on the way to Peshawar.
  10. His dog is always trying to escape from (from/on/past) the backyard. 

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Work individually, choose the right option to complete the sentences. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.

  1. Be careful when you walk across the street. You may encounter stray dogs there.
    (a) Through (b) Above (c) Across (d) Up

  2. The car is going through the tunnel to reach the station.
    (a) Around (b) Below (c) At (d) Through

  3. A flock of birds is flying over the trees under the blue sky.
    (a) Over (b) Through (c) Onto (d) On

  4. She walked the kitchen and put her packages onto the table.
    (a) In (b) Into (c) Onto (d) On

  5. River Kunhar flows towards the lake.
    (a) Towards (b) Over (c) Up (d) On

  6. While waiting for my train, I took a walk around the station.
    (a) On (b) Around (c) Onto (d) In

  7. A formation of twelve airplanes flew over our houses.
    (a) Up (b) Down (c) Over (d) Past

  8. The door was locked, so I shoved the letter under the door.
    (a) Around (b) Under (c) On (d) Into

  9. The poachers go through the forest to hunt animals for their hide.
    (a) On (b) Through (c) In (d) Over

  10. I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.
    (a) Into (b) Onto (c) Around (d) Across

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are composed of two or more prepositions to function as one preposition. Compound prepositions must not be joined together as they are two separate words that function as one word.


  • According to his mother, he often talked in his sleep.
  • We waste a lot of time arguing instead of agreeing.
  • They continued with their search and rescue mission in spite of the bad weather.
  • They had to paint their office in addition to their usual work.

Some Compound Prepositions:

  • according to
  • as to
  • opposite to
  • away from
  • aside from
  • because of
  • close to
  • depending on
  • in favour of
  • on account of
  • on behalf of
  • in addition to
  • in return for
  • in spite of
  • due to
  • next to
  • in between
  • in case of
  • along with
  • apart from
  • out of

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Work individually. Use an appropriate compound preposition from the list given above to complete the sentences below. After completing, compare your answer with your partner and make corrections where necessary.

  1. He can’t perform anymore because of his failing health.
  2. The villagers had to carry pails of water due to their work in the fields.
  3. Sameer was never in favour of his parents going to the city.
  4. This theory is wrong according to his philosophy.
  5. The match was delayed because of rain.
  6. This dog has been sitting next to me for one hour.
  7. I gave him a new book in return for the one I lost.
  8. We will inform you later, depending on the situation.
  9. The van stopped in front of the hospital.
  10. You will have to leave your position in case of any change in the plan.

Text Book Exercise 4

Look at the picture above and fill the blanks in the following passage with one of the prepositions given in the box. Each preposition may be used only once.

Box of Prepositions:

  • according to
  • down
  • through
  • in spite of
  • around
  • past
  • on top of
  • up
  • into
  • out of
  • over
  • due to
  • to
  • at
  • from
  • on


One hot summer morning, in spite of the intense heat, we decided to take a trip out of the city and go to the ocean. We got into the car and drove down the highway, which went around one side of the mountain and came up the other side. Then the highway went on a part of the lake and over the bridge. After that, we drove through the forest and past the big water tower. We arrived at the beach by noon due to the heavy traffic. According to the map, the water that flowed in the river came from the melted glaciers. One of my friends also told me that natives preferred to live on top of the mountain as they felt safe there.

Type 3 Conditional Sentences

There are three main types of conditional tenses. Look at the table below:

Type 1Present action leading to future resultsIf the team plays well, they will get into the finals.
Type 2Past action leading to present resultsIf I worked harder, I could get better results.
Type 3Past action leading to past resultsIf he had listened to his parents, he would have got the job.
  • Type 1: If... present simple verb... will/can/might + verb
  • Type 2: If... past simple verb... would/could/might + verb
  • Type 3: If... past perfect verb... would have/could have/might have + verb

The Type 3 conditional is used when talking about something that was not done, which led to results about which nothing can be done now.

Example: If I had studied more, I would have passed my exams. (But I didn’t, so I failed, and nothing can be done about it.)

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 1 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it in your notebook. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of this Unit as and when needed.

  1. We _______ all our wild life if we ______ not careful. (destroy/be)
  2. If we ______ all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we _______ them. (dump/pollute)
  3. If we ______ trees at the present speed, we ______ our oxygen supply. (cut/endanger)
  4. If the global temperature ______, the sea levels ______. (increase/rise)
  5. We’ll ______ our own existence if we ______ waste at the present rate. (threaten/produce)
  6. The traffic flow ______ better if everyone ______ the traffic rules. (be/follow)
  1. If I ______ you some of the chocolates, I ______ very few left for the party. (give/have)
  2. You ______ better marks next time if you ______ less time on video games. (get/spend)
  3. If you ______ so loudly during the match, you ______ our neighbours. (shout/disturb)
  4. We ______ the Eiffel Tower if we ______ to Paris. (visit/go)


  1. will destroy, are
  2. dump, will pollute
  3. cut, will endanger
  4. increases, will rise
  5. will be, follows
  6. give, will have
  7. will get, spend
  8. shout, will disturb
  9. will visit, go

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 2 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it in your notebook. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of this section as and when needed.

  1. If you ______ dark glasses, you ______ your eyes. (wear/protect)
  2. It ______ impossible to enter the building if the porter ______ us. (be/stop)
  3. I ______ this work for you if time ______. (do/permit)
  1. If I ______ a lottery, I ______ a new computer. (win/buy)
  2. He ______ leave if he ______ cold. (take/catch)
  3. If the police ______ hard enough, they ______ the thief to prison. (try/send)
  4. My friend ______ you a concession if you ______ the oven from him. (get/purchase)
  5. If I ______ you, I ______ for the job. (be/apply)
  6. If the doctor ______ him, he ______ to work. (allow/go)
  7. It ______ me a lot of pleasure if they ______ the gift. (give/accept)


  1. wore, could protect
  2. would be, stopped
  3. could do, permitted
  4. won, would buy
  5. might take, caught
  6. tried, would send
  7. could get, purchased
  8. were, would apply
  9. allowed, would go
  10. would give, accepted

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work with your partner. Orally discuss the following Type 3 Conditional Sentences exercise by using the words provided. Then, do it in your notebook. You may refer to the table given at the beginning of this Unit as and when needed.

  1. If the flight, ______ on time, my boss ______ to the meeting. (arrive/come)
  2. They ______ all the food if I ______ it on the table. (eat/keep)
  3. If the driver ______ at the turning, the old woman ______ the road easily. (stop/cross)
  4. If you ______ your umbrella, you ______ getting wet in the rain. (take/avoid)
  5. I ______ the storm if I ______ more cautions. (escape/be)
  6. The people ______ if they ______ that there was no food. (leave/know)
  7. The child ______ the punishment if the scars ______. (forget/disappear)
  8. If their new player ______ as expected they ______ the match. (perform/win)
  9. There ______ no fight if the police ______ in time. (be/arrive)
  10. If he ______ the question, the teacher ______ him some marks. (attempt/give)


  1. had arrived, would have come
  2. would have eaten, had kept
  3. had stopped, could have crossed
  4. had taken, might have avoided
  5. could have escaped, had been
  6. could have left, had known
  7. might have forgotten, had disappeared
  8. had performed, could have won
  9. might have been, had arrived
  10. had attempted, could have given

Text Book Exercise 8

Q. Sheeba won the provincial folk songs competition and was interviewed by a reporter. She mainly responded by using the type 3 conditional sentences. The pair verbs used in each response are given below in a jumbled order. Complete her responses in the following dialogue. After you have completed, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed. The first one has been done as an example.

Verb pairs:
be / perform
select / think
make / encourage
lose / cry
fail / be

Reporter: Congratulations, Ms. Sheeba. You have won!

Sheeba: Thank you. If I had stopped practicing, I would have lost.

Reporter: What if you had lost?

Sheeba: If I had lost the competition, I might have cried.

Reporter: How would your parents have felt?

Sheeba: If I had failed, my parents would have been very disappointed.

Reporter: What about your friends?

Sheeba: Some might have made fun of me while a few would have encouraged me to try again.

Reporter: What could you have done differently to make sure you won?

Sheeba: I might have selected a different song if I had thought about it.

Reporter: Anything else that you would like to say?

Sheeba: My self-esteem could have been badly affected if I had performed badly.

Reporter: Any message that you would like to give to others?

Sheeba: Work hard, prepare well, and you will succeed one day. Don’t ever give up.

Reporter: Thank you.

Sheeba: Thank you.

My travel Diary Journey To The Gorakh Hills Station - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th

Text Book Exercise 1

Q. After reading the text, select the best option for the following statements.

  1. Their final destination was:

    • (a) Jamshoro
    • (b) Sehwan
    • (c) Gorakh Hills
    • (d) Hyderabad
  2. Starting their journey from Karachi, they reached the Gorakh Hills:

    • (a) in four hours
    • (b) in less than four hours
    • (c) before sunset
    • (d) after sunset
  3. The trip lasted for:

    • (a) one day
    • (b) two days
    • (c) three days
    • (d) four days

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Work in pairs. First, look at the words in Box A. Then, read paragraphs 1-5, underline the words given in Column A in the text. Then find their meanings in Column B and write the answers in Column C. Do the same with Box B, paragraphs 6-10.

Box A: Paragraphs 1-5

S NoColumn A (Word)Column B (Meaning)Column C (Answer)
1summita) deeply respectedg
2resortb) a substance which when burnt gives out a sweet smelli


Box A: Paragraphs 1-5

S NoColumn A (Word)Column B (Meaning)Column C (Answer)
3awesomec) extremely largef
4glimpsesd) having a pleasant smellh
5detoure) pay respect publiclyk
6colossalf) highly impressivec
7reveredg) highest point of somethinga
8incredibleh) a brief viewi
9pay homagei) almost impossible to believee
10aromaticj) a place that people go to for holidaysd
11incensek) take around about routeb

Box B: Paragraphs 6-10

S NoColumn A (Word)Column B (Meaning)Column C (Answer)
12ruggedl) slowlyu
13vantagem) holding one’s attention completelyq
14canopyn) breathtakings
15standstillo) coming downwardsw
16graduallyp) a place providing a good viewi
17descendingq) showing attention to detailp
18spellbindingr) a covering over somethingm
19tranquilizeds) a thing kept as a reminder of something or someonev
20meticuloust) have a calming or sedative effectr
21awe-inspiringu) rough naturaln
22souvenirsv) having no movementt

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Below is a brief summary of the places mentioned along the route. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the names of these places. After completing the exercise compare your answers with your partner.

The journey began from Karachi. After crossing the toll plaza got on the Motorway. First crossed Nooriabad and then Jamshoro. Could see some glimpses of the river Indus on the right. According to the GPS Hyderabad was across the river. Went to a hotel on Kotri Barrage. After that got on the Indus Highway, which was on the right bank of the river Indus. The next stop was Sehwan. Had lunch on the bus that comprised spicy fish caught from the Manchar Lake. Finally reached the Gorakh Hills.

On the way back, took the Dadu-Moro bridge route. Stopped at Hala to buy souvenirs. Glimpsed Matiari in the distance. Passed close by Bhit Shah. Finally, crossed Hyderabad, got on the Motorway and reached Karachi.

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. The statements given below very briefly describe the main points of each paragraph. Work with a partner and find out the paragraphs that have the following key points. Write the paragraph number in the space provided.

Key PointsParagraph Number
(a) Travel to the top6
(b) Stopover for breakfast3
(c) Activities at night7
(d) Birthday trip to the Gorakh Hills1
(e) Morning scenes and event8
(f) Shrine description4
(g) Good memories10
(h) Start of the journey2
(i) Places on the trip back home9
(j) Lunch on the bus5

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Read the text again and circle the right option. After completing the exercise, compare your answers with your partner.

  1. The Gorakh Hills are the highest place in:

    • (a) Pakistan
    • (b) Baluchistan
    • (c) Sehwan
    • (d) Sindh
  2. The guide explained the route and gave ____________ to everyone.

    • (a) lunch
    • (b) breakfast
    • (c) flyers
    • (d) directions
  3. Asif used his mobile phone to look for:

    • (a) the route
    • (b) information
    • (c) instructions
    • (d) new places
  4. The text states that many people visit the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalander to seek:

    • (a) fulfillment of wishes
    • (b) material benefits
    • (c) blessings
    • (d) healing
  5. For lunch they had:

    • (a) fish and chips
    • (b) sugarcane juice and rolls
    • (c) fish and sugarcane juice
    • (d) sandwiches and sugarcane juice
  6. At night they could hear the sounds of ____________.

    • (a) dogs barking
    • (b) wolves howling
    • (c) water flowing
    • (d) many animals
  7. There was more greenery on ____________ of the river.

    • (a) the right side
    • (b) the left side
    • (c) the bank
    • (d) both side
  8. According to Ibn-e-Batuta, makes once a good storyteller:

    • (a) reading
    • (b) listening to good stories
    • (c) not speaking
    • (d) travelling

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Work in pairs and write three sentences about the following. After completing, exchange your work with another pair and read each other’s work.

  1. Gorakh Hills Station

    • (i) Gorakh Hills Station is situated at an elevation of 5,690 ft. from the sea level.
    • (ii) It is the highest summit and a holiday resort in Sindh.
    • (iii) It has beautiful natural beauty.
  2. Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar

    • (i) It is situated in Sehwan.
    • (ii) People from all walks of life come to the saint’s shrine to pay homage.
    • (iii) It is commonly believed that a visit to this shrine can provide healing for all types of illnesses.
  3. After dinner activities

    • (i) Under a canopy of stars, the bonfire was lit.
    • (ii) They had fun indulging in activities such as Baetbazi, Chinese whisper, sharing funny stories, and all sorts of childish games that we could think of.
    • (iii) The sparkling golden hues of the fire, the crackling of the wood, the bright star above, and the warmth of friends gathered around the fire made time come to a standstill.
  4. Spell-binding experiences

    • (i) The sparkling golden hues of the fire, the crackling of the wood, the bright stars above, and the warmth of friends gathered around the fire made time come to a standstill.
    • (ii) A sunrise was one that one would witness in a painting or a movie; and the clouds were gradually descending all around.
    • (iii) It was spellbinding to see floating clouds, which one could touch, to smell the fragrances of different herbs, which tranquilized senses, and to hear the distant bleating of sheep grazing around.
  5. Birthday Breakfast

    • (i) Carrying a huge cake with candles on it, the author’s parents and friends sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.
    • (ii) Things had been planned to the last detail; a beautiful rug had been spread out for the cake-cutting ceremony.
    • (iii) The cake-cutting was followed by halwa puri for all.

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Answer the following questions.

  1. Which two great saints are mentioned in the text?

    • Ans: Two highly revered Sufi saints, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar and Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, are mentioned in the text.
  2. Why did Asif’s parents decide to take him to the Gorakh Hills for his birthday?

    • Ans: Asif’s parents decided to take him to the Gorakh Hills for his birthday because they knew his love for travel.
  3. Why is Gorakh Hills a good place for a holiday?

    • Ans: Gorakh Hills is a good place for holiday because Gorakh Hills is cold because of the height. Its views are beautiful and wonderful.
  4. What was served for lunch and where was it served?

    • Ans: On leaving Sehwan, lunch was served. The lunch comprised spicy fish caught from the Manchar Lake with sugarcane juice.
  5. Why did they have to leave the bus and take the jeep to reach the top?

    • Ans: They had to leave the bus and took the jeep because now there would be a steep, uphill drive to reach the summit.
  6. Why did Asif and his family have to sleep in a tent?

    • Ans: Unfortunately, all rooms were occupied, and they had to rent tents for their night stay.
  7. What did Asif appreciate deeply about his parents?

    • Ans: His parents cut the cake for his birthday and arranged breakfast for all. Things had been planned to the last detail; a beautiful rug had been spread out for the cake-cutting ceremony. He was deeply touched by his parents’ love and meticulous arrangements.
  8. How was the return route different from the up journey route?

    • Ans: In the up journey route, they took Motorway and crossed Jamshoro, Hyderabad, and Kotri Barrage. Then they took the Indus Highway to Sehwan and they travelled from Sehwan to Gorakh Hills.