Showing posts with label SAFETY MEASURES THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAFETY MEASURES THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. Show all posts


Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Read the text and circle the right answer for filling the blanks. After completing, discuss your choices with your partner.

  1. The text is about the importance of:

    • (a) traffic rules
    • (b) civic sense
    • (c) helmets and seat belts
    • (d) driving safely
  2. Among other things, helmets can save us from:

    • (a) body injury
    • (b) head injury
    • (c) knee injury
    • (d) foot injury
  3. Wearing or not wearing a seat belt can be a matter of:

    • (a) life and death
    • (b) personal defeat
    • (c) no concern
    • (d) little importance

Text Book Exercise 2

(i) Read the text and underline the words given in column A, in Boxes 1-6. The meanings of all these words are given in column B in a jumbled manner. Find the correct meaning and write the corresponding letter in column C.

NoColumn AColumn BColumn C
1Fatala) additional thing                                     d
2measuresb) not paying attention toi
3crucialf) very importantf
4accessoryd) causing deatha
5pillionj) a passenger on a motorbikee
6proportionatelyh) when compared in numbersh
7vulnerablec) facing possible harmg
8indulgingg) doing something for pleasurec
9disregardingi) steps or actions taken for a purposei
10untowarde) unexpectedi

II. Read the text and underline the words given in column A, in Boxes A-F. The meanings of all these words are given in column B in a jumbled manner. Find the correct meaning and write the corresponding letter in column C.

NoColumn AColumn B     Column C
11optionm) choicem
12cumbersomeu) unnecessarily slowingu
13toughp) difficultp
14anchoreds) firmly held in places
15skiddingk) slidingk
16implicationsq) something clear but not clearly stated q
17limitationst) inability to performt
18invinciblel) totally secure or safel
19safeguardsr) protectsr
20exposingn) putting at riskn

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. The titles in the following table represent one box each. Read each box and select which title represents which box and write the box number in the given column.

S.NoTitleBox No
1Avoiding head injuries3
2Does wearing a seat belt guarantee no harm?E
3Helmet; summary6
4Brakes for saving your bodyB
5Seat belts: summaryF
6Fun and safety in motorbike riding1
7Comfort or harm, what is a better choice?A
8Challenges voiced against wearing helmets4
9Is wearing a seat belt an option?2
10Why wear helmets?D
11Cost in terms of moneyC
12Helmets and eye protection5

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Circle the right option.

  1. Two ___________ that if undertaken by people can protect them.

    • (a) decisions
    • (b) √ measures
    • (c) policies
    • (d) commitments
  2. Both riders and ____________ riders should wear helmets.

    • (a) companion
    • (b) passenger
    • (c) √ pillion
    • (d) traveller
  3. Not wearing a helmet increases the chances of:

    • (a) damages
    • (b) accidents
    • (c) loss
    • (d) √ severe injuries

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Circle the right option.

  1. Brain Injury in a motorbike accident can lead to permanent:

    • (a) forgetfulness
    • (b) √ disability
    • (c) problems
    • (d) ill health
  2. Those not wearing helmets are _________ times more likely to suffer from head injuries.

    • (a) ten
    • (b) five
    • (c) two
    • (d) √ three
  3. Wearing a seat belt is like choosing between:

    • (a) comfort and pain
    • (b) ease and unease
    • (c) safety and security
    • (d) √ life and death
  4. Fastening your seat belt can save you from getting:

    • (a) under the car
    • (b) thrown out
    • (c) crushed
    • (d) √ head injury
  5. Putting on your seat belt requires:

    • (a) √ a little effort
    • (b) a lot of effort
    • (c) a little patience
    • (d) a lot of patience
  6. If you wear a seat belt you will:

    • (a) always be safe
    • (b) never be safe
    • (c) never be in trouble
    • (d) √ mostly be safe
  7. Every time you get into your car you make a:

    • (a) √ choice
    • (b) decision
    • (c) promise
    • (d) mistake

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Read the text and answer the following questions in your notebook. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.

(a) What two important safety measures can save people’s lives?

  • Ans: Two important safety measures that can save people’s lives and protect them from disability are wearing helmets and fastening seat belts.

(b) Why is a helmet an important safety gear?

  • Ans: Helmets minimize the risks of head injuries, the most common cause of death and disability in case of a crash because they absorb the impact of a crash or fall. Non-helmeted motorcyclists are three times more likely to sustain head injuries in a crash as compared to those wearing firmly strapped helmets.

(c) How can not wearing a helmet change the life of bike riders and their families forever?

  • Ans: Accidental death or disability of a bike rider changes the life of the bike rider and his family forever. Nothing stays the same.

(d) What happens when a car stops suddenly?

  • Ans: If for some reason, somebody ahead of us applies brakes suddenly, it is very likely that the driver of our car will not have time to stop. The car that we are travelling in will crash into the vehicle in front. While the brakes or crash can make the car stop suddenly, the same does not apply to our bodies. The car brakes will stop the car, but our body is still travelling at the speed of our car. Our bodies will move forward and our heads will hit the windscreen. If the blow is strong, we may fall out of the car.

(e) How is the click of a seat belt button insurance?

  • Ans: The click of a seat belt is insurance that safeguards our safety and survival. We can lose our life and limb, or waste our time and money, or both, by not wearing our seat belts.

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Work in pairs. Complete the statements given in column A with their respective parts in column B and write the alphabet of the respective part in the answer column.

No.Column AColumn BAns.
1.Wearing a helmet can providea) a motorbike ride comfortable and safei
2.Wind, sun rays, and dust particles canb) you can end up paying a finef
3.Long term exposure to eye-damaging factors canc) depending on how serious the injuries ared
4.In winter, the cold winds can caused) result in major eye-related health issuea
5.Wearing a helmet in winter can makee) can also affect one’s hearing capabilityh
6.Wearing a seat belt can save youf) hinder vision leading to unexpected problemsi
7.Not wearing a seat belt can lead tog) high medical expenses due to injuriesg
8.Medical expenses can be long term or short termh) discomfort and also affect the visionc
9.Injuries resulting from not wearing seat beltsi) multiple benefits to the ridere
10.Breaking the law by not wearing the seat beltj) from unnecessary expensesb

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work in pairs, read the boxes indicated, and write the reasons in each case.

Helmets (Boxes 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Reasons why people should wear helmetsReasons why people don’t wear helmets
Helmets minimize the risks of head injuries, the most common cause of death and disability in case of a crash because they absorb the impact of a crash or fall. Non-helmeted motorcyclists are three times more likely to sustain head injuries in a crash as compared to those wearing firmly strapped helmets.People do not wear helmets because their hairstyle gets messed up. Some say that helmets make them feel uncomfortable, that they cannot put up with the heat. Others complain that helmets cause too much sweating, and this irritates them. Some, however, have no specific reason for not wearing helmets except that they are sure that they will not get injured.
Head injuries are the most widespread cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Moreover, traumatic brain injury can result in permanent disability.
Accidental death or disability of a bike rider changes the life of the bike rider and his family forever. Nothing stays the same.
Seat Belts (Boxes A, C & E)
Reasons why people should wear seat beltsReasons why people don’t wear seat belts
The click of a seat belt is insurance that safeguards our safety and survival. We can lose our life and limb, or waste our time and money, or both, by not wearing our seat belts.Some people think that seat belts are not necessary. They think that seat belts cramp their style or that seat belts are uncomfortable.