Verbs, Tenses and Sentences - Solved Book Exercise - English 10th


Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Simple to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember that a verb used with the third person always takes 's' or 'es' in Present Simple.

Word Bank:
build, remember, play, dress, forget, listen, study, get


  1. Birds usually __________ their nests in the summer.

    • Answer: build
  2. I always __________ carefully to parent’s advice.

    • Answer: listen
  3. He __________ up late and __________ quickly for school.

    • Answer: gets, dresses
  4. We __________ in the afternoon and __________ in the evening.

    • Answer: play, study
  5. My friend __________ name but __________ numbers.

    • Answer: remembers, forgets                                                                                                   

      Text Book Exercise 2

      Q. Use the correct form of the Present Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember that in the Continuous form, ‘ing’ is added to the verb and am/is/are is used before the verb.

      Word Bank:
      write, sing, rain, make, explain, swim, enjoy, learn


      1. Look! It __________ so hard.

        • Answer: is raining
      2. We __________ English these days.

        • Answer: are learning
      3. The birds __________ and the farmers __________ their songs.

        • Answer: are singing, are enjoying
      4. The teacher __________, and the students __________.

        • Answer: is explaining, are writing
      5. Some children __________ in the pond, and some __________ clay toys.

        • Answer: are swimming, are making

      Text Book Exercise 3

      Q. Use the correct form of the Present Simple and Present Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

      Word Bank:
      come, sleep, behave, speak, clean, drink, understand, wash, travel, watch


      (a) We __________ to Gilgit tomorrow.

      • Answer: are travelling

      (b) My sister __________ nicely with everyone.

      • Answer: behaves

      (c) His brother __________ tea three times a day.

      • Answer: drinks

      (d) Our uncle __________ to our house this weekend.

      • Answer: is coming

      (e) She __________ and __________ Persian very well.

      • Answer: understands, speaks

      (f) I __________ my room every day, and I also __________ my clothes sometimes.

      • Answer: clean, wash

      (g) My mother usually __________ television at this time, but today she __________.

      • Answer: watches, is sleeping                                                                                         

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Work in pairs and fill the blanks in the following paragraph by using the correct Present Simple and Present Continuous form of the words given below. You can use one word only once. After you have completed, discuss with another pair and compare your answers.

Word Bank:
dress, see, move, set, plan, go, take, enjoy, begin, agree, gather, wait, come, give, shout, know, hire, inform, ask, jump, sit, look, get, reach, tell


The school holidays are beginning tomorrow. The children are sitting together and are planning what to do. They agree to go to the village fair on Saturday. On Saturday morning, they all get up early, dress quickly, and gather outside. They inform their mother that they are going to the village fair with their father. As soon as father comes outside, they all shout with joy. The father knows that his children are looking forward to the trip. He hires a carriage and takes them to the fair. As soon as they reach there, the children jump from the carriage. They move from one stall to another. Their father gives them some money and tells them to enjoy themselves. After some time, although the father sees that the children are enjoying a lot, he asks everyone to gather as the sun is setting and their mother is waiting for them to get home.

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Remember to use 'has' with the third person singular.

Word Bank:
eat, throw, help, go, read, make, apply, complain, climb, complete


(a) I __________ this book twice already.

  • Answer: have read

(b) We __________ all the mangoes.

  • Answer: have eaten

(c) My brother __________ for a job.

  • Answer: has applied

(d) They will win this match as they __________ ninety runs already.

  • Answer: have made

(e) Seema __________ her work as Beena __________ her throughout.

  • Answer: has completed, has helped

(f) We __________ so many times but they __________ the garbage here again.

  • Answer: have complained, have thrown

(g) Tariq’s little sister __________ up the tree, now he __________ up to get her.

  • Answer: has climbed, has gone 

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.

Word Bank:
jump, watch, rain, cook, drive, work, plan, talk, chase, sit


  1. We __________ since twelve noon.

    • Answer: have been driving
  2. It __________ for three hours continuously.

    • Answer: has been raining
  3. They __________ for an hour.

    • Answer: have been talking
  4. I __________ all morning.

    • Answer: have been working
  5. She __________ food for us without a break while we __________ this match.

    • Answer: has been cooking, have been watching
  6. My grandmother __________ outside and my father __________ vegetables.

    • Answer: has been sitting, has been planting
  7. The dog __________ the cat and the cat __________ all around.

    • Answer: has been chasing, has been jumping

Text Book Exercise 7

Q. Work in pairs and fill the blanks in the following paragraph by using the correct Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous forms of the words given below. You can use one word only once. After you have completed, discuss with another pair, and compare your answers.

Word Bank:
start, cook, wait, do, work, help, announce, made, study, pray, manage, complete, struggle, go


Our principal has announced the date for the exams finally; we have been waiting for this announcement since last week. My friend and I have been working since last week as we want to get good marks. We have been studying about six hours every day. We have started revising English and have completed Urdu today. We have been going to Faisal’s house to learn Mathematics from his brother. He has been helping us, and we have managed to complete more than half of the course. However, since the last semester, we have been doing history and try to read more, and I think we have made some progress. My mother has been praying for us every day. I have been doing my best, and my friend’s mother has been cooking delicious food for us to keep up our spirits. Now, we have to perform well.

Text Book Exercise 8

Simple and Compound Sentences

A simple sentence usually has a single verb. It has a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

  • Jamil plays tennis every Saturday.

A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a linking word.

  • Jamil plays tennis every Saturday, but this Saturday he is playing golf.

Linking Words (FANBOYS):


There are other linking words also, e.g., because, as, etc.

Text Book Exercise 9

Q. Look at the following sentences. Write 'S' if it is a simple sentence and 'C' if it is a compound sentence, in the answer column. An example has been done for you.

01You have been sleeping since morning.S
02I don’t know the answer.S
03I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolates daily.C
04Atif is famous, but he is very humble.C
05You may eat a mango or have mango pickle.C
06He is totally dependent on his parents.S
07He was feeling sick, so he went to the doctor.C
08No one is traveling these days.S
09I go to the library, for I love reading.C
10He is rich and he has a good heart.C

Text Book Exercise 10

Q. After identifying the simple and compound sentences in the above exercise, convert the compound sentences into two simple sentences by removing the linking words. Sentence 3 in the above exercise has been done as an example. Compare your answers with your partner.


  • Sentence 3: I want to lose weight. I eat chocolates daily.
  • Sentence 4: Atif is famous. He is very humble.
  • Sentence 5: You may eat a mango. You may have mango pickle.
  • Sentence 7: He was feeling sick. He went to the doctor.
  • Sentence 9: I go to the library. I love reading.
  • Sentence 10: He is rich. He has a good heart.

Text Book Exercise 11

Q. Work in pairs and make five simple sentences and five compound sentences, using the linking words given earlier in FANBOYS.

S.NoSimple SentencesCompound Sentences
01Waris waited for the train.I like coffee, and Abid likes tea.
02The train was late.Rashid ran fast, but he could not catch Sohail.
03Ahmed and Sameer took the bus.Sajid never wrote the letter, nor did he call him.
04Tahir is writing a letter.He felt cold, for it was snowing.
05I am buying a new pair of shoes.Waris waited for the train, but the train was late.

This exercise practices creating simple and compound sentences. Simple sentences contain a single subject and verb, while compound sentences join two independent clauses using coordinating conjunctions from FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So).

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