UNIT # 05

1. Tick the right answer. The text is about:

(a) The life cycle of a mosquito

(b) Different kinds of dangerous mosquitoes
(c) Diseases caused by mosquitoes
(d) Use of pesticides for mosquitoes control

2. Circle the diseases mentioned in the text:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Diphtheria
  • Cholera
  • Yellow fever
  • Malaria
  • Tonsillitis
  • Hepatitis
  • Dengue
  • Influenza
  • Cerebral malaria
  • Jaundice
  • Chikungunya

3. Read the text. Find the following words and underline them.

Parasite, transmitted, saliva, clot, chills, constipation, dysfunction, disorientation, transfusion, antibodies, immune, respiratory, stagnant, contagious, nausea, fatal, display, inflammation, intense, pronounced

4. Work in pairs and see how many of these words you can use in your own sentences. The pair that will make the most correct sentences will be the winner.

S. No.WordSentences
1ParasiteMany diseases are caused by parasites.
2TransmittedThe information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
3SalivaSaliva dribbled from the baby's mouth.
4ClotHe underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on the brain.
5ChillsShe got a fever with chills.
6ConstipationA recent study links childhood constipation with low fiber in the diet.
7DysfunctionYour screen is still frozen, blank, or dysfunctional in some way.
8DisorientationSymptoms may include fatigue, headaches, fever, memory loss, disorientation, insomnia, and loss of coordination.
9TransfusionWithout a blood transfusion, her chances of survival were slim.
10AntibodiesAntibodies fight off infections and viruses.
11ImmuneEverybody is immune to smallpox nowadays.
12RespiratorySmoking can cause respiratory diseases.
13StagnantFew fish survive in the stagnant waters of the lake.
14ContagiousNot all the infectious diseases are contagious.
15NauseaSome people experience nausea when flying.
16FatalThe slightest mistake may lead to a fatal disaster.
17DisplayThose books were on display in the window.
18InflammationAn extreme allergic reaction causes rapid inflammation.
19IntenseHe shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light.
20PronouncedShe speaks with a pronounced French accent.

5. Read the text and select the correct answer from the options given:

  1. It is important to find out what the exact disease is so that:
    (a) The patient can rest
    (b) We can tell everyone about it
    (c) It can be treated properly
    (d) The patient can decide what to do

  2. The malaria parasite attacks the:
    (a) White blood cells
    (b) Brain
    (c) Stomach
    (d) Red blood cells

  3. Once the dengue virus enters the system it affects the:
    (a) Immune system
    (b) Digestive system
    (c) Circulatory system
    (d) Nervous system

  4. In severe cases of dengue bleeding may occur in the:
    (a) Eyes and ears
    (b) Brain
    (c) Stomach and intestine
    (d) Gums and nose

  5. Chikungunya patients usually have fever with:
    (a) Shivering
    (b) Rashes
    (c) Bleeding
    (d) Chills

6. Read the text and complete the following table in your notebook:

DiseaseSource(s)Organs / cells attackedSymptoms
MalariaInfected mosquitoesRed blood cells, liver, brainHigh fever with chills, sweating
DengueInfected mosquitoes, blood transfusion, mother to childWhite blood cells, immune systemHigh fever with body pain, pain behind eyes, respiratory difficulties, headaches, skin rashes, bleeding from gums and nose
ChikungunyaInfected mosquitoesMuscles, joints, skin, connective tissue, nervous systemFever with skin rashes, headache, nausea and vomiting, severe joint pain, loss of taste

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