1(a) How many aspects of Shah Abdul Latif's life have been covered in the text?

There are 7 aspects of Shah Abdul Latif's life that have been covered in the text.

1(b) List all these aspects in your notebook as shown below.

The first aspect is about his 'Background and Family'.
The second aspect is about his 'Name Bhitai'.
The third aspect is about his 'Early Life and Education'.
The fourth aspect is about his 'Youth'.
The fifth aspect is about his 'Spiritual Growth'.
The sixth aspect is about his 'Death and Remembrance'.
The seventh aspect is about his 'Poetry'.

2. Underline the correct answers from the choices provided. The first one has been done as an example.

(i) Those who have an abundance of wealth have
(a) a little wealth
(b) ✓ a lot of wealth
(c) some wealth

(ii) My family’s ancestral roots are in Sindh, means my parents, grandparents and great grandparents lived in Sindh since
(a) my grandparents got married
(b) my birth
(c) ✓ many generations

(iii) The new academic year commences in our school in April.
(a) ends
(b) progresses
(c) ✓ begins

(iv) The devotees of some saints walk to shrines barefoot.
(a) children
(b) ✓ followers
(c) caretakers

(v) Many people go to mystic to ask for the fulfillment of their wishes.
(a) person who lives alone
(b) new person
(c) ✓ person with spiritual power

(vi) The sailors of Sindh used to travel to far off lands as they had good navigation skills.
(a) ✓ ship directing
(b) engineering
(c) swimming

(vii) For centuries, the main medium for transfer of information was oral traditions.
(a) horses
(b) ✓ passing of information by word of mouth
(c) messages

(viii) My brother is a restless person, always looking for new things to do.
(a) genius
(b) different
(c) ✓ change seeking

(ix) Truly great persons deserve reverence as they play a positive role in our lives.
(a) richness and wealth
(b) leadership positions
(c) ✓ respect and admiration

(x) Islam's message of peace is universal, as without it there can be no happiness.
(a) good
(b) ✓ applicable to all people in the world
(c) acceptable

3. Work in pairs and complete the sentences below with a given word. You can use one word only once.

1. Abundance
2. Ancestral roots
3. Commences
4. Devotees
5. Mystic
6. Navigation
7. Oral traditions
8. Restless
9. Reverence
10. Universal

  1. The devotees of Shah Bhitai celebrate his Urs every year.

  2. My mother and I decided to go to a mystic to ask him to pray for my father’s health.

  3. It is a universal fact that no living thing can survive without oxygen.

  4. Much of what we know about our culture has been passed on to us through oral traditions.

  5. We may have different ancestral roots but we are all the offsprings of Adam.

  6. Fasting commences on the first day of Ramadan.

  7. Pakistan has everything in abundance but we need strong policies to make good use of everything that we have.

  8. Nelson Mandela won his people’s reverence for his long struggle for the rights of people in South Africa.

  9. The art of restless requires hard work and one needs to practice a lot to write beautifully.

  10. The Pakistan Navy has very good navigation skills.

4. The reading text has seven aspects that relate to Shah Latif. The following sentences state one key point covered under each aspect. However, these sentences are in a jumbled-up order. Read the text and write the aspect number in the blanks provided. The last one has been done for you as an example.

  1. #SentencesAns
    (a)He found pleasure in praying, thinking, and devotion.5
    (b)He was married for a short period of time only.4
    (c)Shah Latif’s forefather migrated to Sindh from Afghanistan.1
    (d)A shrine was built over his grave sometime after his death.6
    (e)His poetry is mainly about Sindh but off-places are also mentioned.7
    (f)He loved studying and had a command over other languages.3
    (g)He is called Bhitai because he spent the rest of his life on a mound.2

    5. Read the text and find the following information. Write down these things in your notebook.

    1. The two things done at the time of 'Urs', as mentioned in the text.
      (i) Listen to the saint's song sung on the 'Tambooro'.
      (ii) Learned men read papers and tell about Latif’s life and his poetry.

    1. Two possible reasons why his ancestors migrated to Sindh.
      (i) Shah's father, Syed Habib Shah, migrated from Matyaru in Afghanistan to Bhainpur in Sindh, in order to gain spiritual contact with Bilawal, a local pious man.
      (ii) His ancestors migrated to Sindh from Hirat because at that time Sindh was the center of Muslim culture. Latif's ancestors liked it so much that they decided to make it their home.

    1. Two other languages that he knew quite well.
      He knew (i) Arabic and (ii) Persian languages quite well.

    1. Two main religious sources that he had knowledge about.
      He had in-depth knowledge of (i) the Holy Quran and (ii) the Hadiths.

    1. Two poets whose works were a part of his collection.
      (i) Moulana Jalal Uddin Rumi
      (ii) Shah Karim

    2. 6. Two skills for which he is known.
      (i) Sufi
      (ii) Composing poetry

      7. Two places in Afghanistan mentioned in his poetry.
      (i) Kabul
      (ii) Kandahar

      8. Two places in India mentioned in his poetry.
      (i) Delhi
      (ii) Deccan

      9. Two languages mentioned in which the 'Risalo' has been translated.
      (i) English
      (ii) Urdu

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