The Voice of God – Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise 1

Q. Answer the following questions and then share your answers with your partner.

  1. The main idea of the poem is to speak gently with:

    • (a) children
    • (b) young people
    • (c) all people
    • (d) ✔ old people
  2. By speaking gently, we attract people’s:

    • (a) attention
    • (b) ✔ love
    • (c) care
    • (d) help
  3. Speaking gently is something:

    • (a) big
    • (b) difficult
    • (c) ✔ small
    • (d) impossible
  4. We shall have good results of speaking kindly in the:

    • (a) shortly
    • (b) ✔ world
    • (c) deeply
    • (d) keenly
  5. We should speak kindly to the old people because they will leave the world:

    • (a) after a long time
    • (b) ✔ shortly
    • (c) deeply
    • (d) none of these

Text Book Exercise 2

Q. Work in pairs and underline the following words in the poem. Next, choose the suitable meaning from the box below and write it against the words.

Unending time/foreverTone of voiceTriedSpoil
Cause unhappinessRude or roughSoftly and kindlyOld
S NoWordsMeaning
1.GentlySoft and kindly
2.HarshRude and rough
4.AccentsTone of voice
6.GrieveCause unhappiness
8.EternityUnending time/forever

Text Book Exercise 3

Q. Read the text and match sentences in column A with column B. Write the answers in column C. Compare your answers with your partner.

1.Speak gently to everyoneso as not cause them unhappiness1A-5B
2.Speak gently so as not toits impact on people’s lives2A-4B
3.Speak gently to little children andsmall but important3A-6B
4.Speak gently to old peoplewipe out all the good work done4A-1B
5.Speak gently as it is somethingto win people’s love5A-3B
6.Speak gently as only time will showteach them in a soft manner6A-2B

Text Book Exercise 4

Q. Work in pairs and find out the reasons why the poet asks us to speak gently. First, discuss the reasons orally and then write the answers in your notebook.

(a) We should speak gently to everyone because
Soft and kind words leave a deep and lasting impression.

(b) We should not speak in a harsh manner because
It will deprive us of all the good we do here and we will have more enemies than friends.

(c) We should teach children in a soft manner because
They can also learn to speak gently. We can get their love by speaking gently with them.

(d) We should not cause unhappiness to older people because they are going to die soon and let them die in peace.
We should not make them sad by speaking harshly.

(e) Speaking gently is a small but important thing because
It touches the depths of the heart. The good and the joy it brings Eternity shall tell.

Text Book Exercise 5

Q. Work in pairs and list down two things for each verse that the poet mentions people should do and what would be the result of doing each thing.

Verse 1:

(a) Speak gently to everyone
(b) Rule by love

Results: By speaking softly we win people’s hearts. We rule the hearts.

Verse 2:

(a) Speak gently to children
(b) Teach them soft and mild accents

Results: Children’s childhood will soon be over. They will learn to speak softly, and we will get the love of children.

Verse 3:

(a) Speak gently to old persons
(b) Let them die in peace

Results: Older people don’t know what they have endured in their lives. Do not grieve their broken hearts. Make it easy for them to leave the world.

Text Book Exercise 6

Q. Based on answers in Exercises 3, 4, and 5, write the summary of the poem. Look at the summary writing tips in Unit 3.1 and 3.4.

In the world, we do some good deeds and some bad deeds. Talking is not bad, but sometimes our way of talking and the words we use are bad and harsh. Pointing on the same, the poet of the beautiful poem “Speak Gently” says that we should speak gently while we talk and that we should avoid using harsh words as they hurt the feelings of our fellowmen. Speaking gently and using soft words can please others and help us win their hearts.

While we talk to a little child, our accent should be soft and mild. Teaching or telling something to him, we should not forget that he is just a child, so our attitude should be polite, slow, and friendly. This attitude will win his heart, and he will feel love for the speaker.

If we talk to an aged person, we should think of his old age. As he is weak, broken-hearted, and near to death, we should have love for him and speak gently. Our good attitude and good way of talking will reduce his grief, and he will feel good and happy.

Speaking gently is a little thing, but its impact is great. Our bad and rough way of talking and harsh words can hurt the feelings of anyone and make them sad and unhappy. Our good way of talking can make anyone smile and happy. What and how we speak and behave will reflect in our life hereafter.

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