General Knowledge MCQS

  1. WWW stands for?
  2. world wide web world wide wet world width web
  3. HTML stands for?
  4. hyper text markup language hyper text made language hyper test markup language
  5. DOS stands for?
  6. Double Operating System Disk Operating System DOS Operating System
  7. Which city is capital of Australia?
  8. Cap Town Canberra Melbourne
  9. Allama Iqbal celebration day is?
  10. 9th November 25 December 23 March
  11. In website .pk Show the Counrty?
  12. Paris Poland Pakistan
  13. Where is the lagert cricket ground?
  14. India England Australia
  15. Japan currency is?
  16. Yen Dollar Renminbi
  17. Where is Harvard University?
  18. USA Germany Australia
  19. How many player in HollyBall?
  20. 8 7 6

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